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I don't understand...
How did I just fall asleep? Now all of the homework I need turned in is unfinished!
Caleb leaves at 6:00 and it's already 5:45. I have no idea what I am wearing, and I have no homework finished!!!
"Hey Beatrice, I'm leaving now to head to Dunkin before school. I'm not coming back to the house afterwards, so if you want to ride with me, I'm leaving now," Caleb says.
Crap! I throw on a gray polo and navy pants and run out my door. We walk to the car and once we get in, I immediately keep working on my homework.
I walk in to school and everyone is in the cafeteria. I go in and sit at the regular table where I sat yesterday. "What's everyone doing in here?" I ask.
"They're putting up the lists for majors, minors, and flexes," answers Marlene.
Then I see the arts teachers huddled in the corner, taping up papers. Everyone is getting rolled up for the lists and I can barely hear myself think.
Finally the arts teachers step away from the lists and everyone rushes towards them. Our table waits until everyone else is gone and back to class. Then we all walk up to the list and find each other's names. I look under Rock Band, not me. Art, not me. Theater, not me. Dance, I'm a minor. Vocal, I'm a major. I now look for my flex, I'm in show choir. Below the show choir list is a folder with papers in it. I take one and it is the guidelines.
"WHAT?!" I hear someone yell. It's that boy Four, and he looks furious.
"There must be some sort if mix up!!! I was supposed to be in rock band major, not Dance major!!!!!!!" Our entire table starts laughing. What sort of tough dude is in dance major!!! "What's your minor?" I ask him.
"It's vocal. I'm also in show choir," he replies.
Great, I have to deal with him every flex period for this entire year!
Before anyone gets to make any more comments about this so-called, "mix up," the bell rings and we all head our separate ways to class.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2016 ⏰

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