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Hello.... sorry for the late LATE update ugh I'm sorry ): a better explanation for that will be at the end of this chapter. And it's a filler sorry again. ):

[Plus, literally one of the most cliche chapters you will ever read in this fanfic.]


Calum sat in his room, thinking about the conversation him and Luke had earlier that day. 

"Oh my god... I'm going on a date with my chemistry teacher... my really attractive chemistry teacher.... the teacher that I'm falling in love with," Calum said to himself. 

"This isn't even legal," Calum whispered to himself, "I'm going to get in a lot of trouble if I actually go on this date with him."

"Remember what Ryan said? It's not wrong if you don't get caught," Calum's conscious told him.

"But Luke and I both know that it's wrong," Calum then told himself. 

Calum pulled his legs up to his chest. He then grabbed his pillow and put it inbetween his legs and chest, holding it tight to his chest as well. 

Calum didn't know what to do. He really did like Luke, but on the other hand, it was wrong. His kinks were wrong, but this was different. He could get himself and Luke in trouble.

"But you really do like him. You can't lie to yourself about that," his conscious told him again.

"That is true," Calum said to himself. 

"Right. Now... are you going to get ready for this date. A certain blond teacher said he was going to be here at 6:00, and last I checked, it's 5:30." 

Calum looked at his clock and saw that it was, in fact, showing the time 5:30. Calum then leaped out of his head and walked over to his closet. 

Calum decided on a red dress shirt, with a bow tie, with skinny jeans and his white vans. He fixed his hair, making sure his fringe rested neatly on his forehead. 

He looked at himself in the mirror one more time. He liked how he looked, and he hoped Luke did too. 

He was brushing his teeth when he heard a knock at the door. He looked at the clock at the bathroom and saw that it was, in fact, 6:00. Calum quickly finished brushing his teeth. He quickly put on some cologne before he walked down the stairs to the front door. 

He opened the door and saw Luke standing in the doorway. 

Calum had to stop himself from drooling, seeing Luke wear a tight, dark blue dress shirt with a black tie, dress pants, and dress shoes. His blond hair was pushed back, revealing his forehead. 



The two said at the same time.

Calum giggled. 

"You first." 

"You... you look amazing," Luke said, his eyes moving up and down Calum's body. 

"You look good too," Calum said to Luke. 

Luke held his arm out. 

"Shall we go?" 

Calum nodded. He hooked his arm with Luke and walked out of the house, locking it behind him (he was lucky it was his parents' date night). Luke lead him to his car and helped him into the passenger seat. Luke then walked over to the driver side. He started the car, and he drove off.


Calum looked around the restaurant, amazed at what he saw. 

The restaurant was dimly lit, but not too dark so no one could see anything. There was a bar along with several tables that were placed around it and even more tables placed in the other areas of the restaurant. There was music quietly playing in the background. Everyone around them were chatting. Some laughter could be heard as well.

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