Love at First Sight

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  As I got in Lehi boys and girls club it was 8:57. We were having announcements in the gym, there were 1st graders, 2nd graders, 3rd graders and so on. After a while the teens were in the gym after announcements. The staff let us play kickball and then it was our time to go to the teen room just to hang out. I headed into the little room where some boys were playing on the Xbox Live. My friend Kaydance was in there with me we watched them playing Black Ops. I sat on the stool and just watched. This boy name Elias he stared at me and smiled. I took a quick glance at him. I asked him "what?" Of course he said "nothing." After awhile it was time for lunch and everyone went to the gym to be called to lunch. Some kids went to Lehi school, and some brought their own lunch.

  My brother William called me to come over and Elias was there near my brother. He was showing me a hand motion like calling me and telling me to come over. He said to me "I forgot what I was going to say, oh wait now I remember." "If I asked you out what would you say?" I said "yes."

Elias: "So, it's a yes?

Scarlett: "yep."

Scarlett: "Wait so we're dating?"

Elias: *smiles* "yea."

  I walked back and sat next to Kaydance she asked me what happened.

Kaydance: "What happened over there?"

Scarlett: "He asked me out."

Kaydance: "What did you say?"

Scarlett: "I said yea."

  We the staff called a group of kids of Elias came and followed me. He grabbed me by the waist and asked me "Hey, you going to eat lunch?" I said "yea I'm starving." He followed me to the van and there wasn't enough room in the van so he headed back to the teens room.

  Kaydance and I finished eating lunch so the staff took us back to Lehi Branch. I headed back into the games room and stood near the doorway when Kaydance was sitting on the stool watching them play. Elias entered the room and stood next to me. He faced me and puts his arms around me. We talked for a little bit and told him I was going outside and sit on the couch. I headed out and sat on the couch. The movie "Edge of Tomorrow" was playing on the TV. Elias came over and sat next to me. His fried William came over and wispered to Elias. Elias asked me if he could kiss me. Not on the cheek, but on the lips.

  I said to him yes but I said later. I said later because there were many kids around us and I didn't want to kiss in front of them. So after a bit nobody was around us. My head was laying on the arm of a chair and he leaned close and kissed me. I got chills when he kissed me because that was my first kiss! Everyone kept walking by us saying "just cute." William probably kept telling a plan to Elias. I don't know what the plan is but I'm sure it included me. It was pretty much then end of the day and we both said goodbye to eachother and everyone went home.

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