Chapter 1

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"What the fuck is wrong with you!? What kind of sick joke is this!?" My boyfriend yells at me as I show him the pregnancy test in my hands.

My hands slightly shaking as I try to reach out for him. "Jake. Jake, calm down. This isn't a joke. This is real." I try to tell him.

Jake just pulls away from me, anger and hatred filling his eyes. "What are you!? Some sort of freak!? There is no way this is true!" He yells.

I then feel something hit my cheek and I am sent to the ground. My cheek stinging as I look up at Jake. Realization hit me like a ton of bricks when I touch my burning cheek. Jake had smacked me.

"Get out of my fucking house! I don't wanna catch any germs you might have!" He yells as he forcefully grabs me and throws me out of the house.

"No! Jake please! Don't do this!" I plead with him before he slams the door shut and locks it. I wasn't getting inside the house. He didn't give me a chance to get any of my stuff, so all I have with me are the clothes on my back and my phone in my pocket.

I stand up from my spot on the front lawn and look up at the place I once called home. The place I had lived for the past five years with Jake.

I softly sigh as I slide a hand across my still flat stomach. "It'll be okay. Daddy will take care of you. I still love you." I say softly, hoping no one hears me.

With a deep breath I turn away from the house and start walking. I don't really know where I'm going, but I just keep walking. I don't have anywhere to go, but I just walk in some direction.

Thank God it was a nice day out. I don't want to walk around in the rain, but it's not like I had much of a choice anyway.

My stomach growls and I let out another sigh. I have no money on me and there is no way Jake will let me go back and get it.

"I'm sorry. I know you and I are both hungry, baby. Daddy doesn't have any money, though. I can't get us any food right now. I promise I will get food when I can." I say softly.

I was already a bad father. I was already starving my baby and I haven't even known about him or her for more than two hours. What kinda of father am I? Well, a better one than Jake would have been.

Before I know it, I come to a park. My feet are starting to hurt from walking a long distance, so I sit down on a bench.

All around me are couples with their children. My hand slowly makes its way to my stomach and I rub small circles.

I never knew I could get pregnant. I ran away from home when I was sixteen because of the abuse I suffered from,my dad. He was always calling me a freak and he doesn't want a son like me. So eventually, I ran away, not even knowing why he hated me so much.

Tears form in my eyes at the memory and I look up at the sky. The sky started to darken a bit as rain clouds started to move in.

That was quick. I had only been in this park for fifteen minutes, right? The sky did begin to match my mood, though. Dreary and gray.

That's when a thought crossed my mind. "Where am I going to sleep and take shelter from the rain?" I say quietly to myself. I already started to see the amount of people around me dwindle until there was no one in sight.

I sigh for the millionth time that day as I hear thunder in the distance. "Great. Just my luck. It'll storm and I have no where to go." I say.

As the storm clouds get closer, I notice abandoned store close by. At least that place will keep me dry for the night.

I stand up and make my way over there just as the rain begins to fall. I quickly open the unlocked door and run inside, finding a place to sit.

The place was empty except for a few pillows and blankets. It looks like this place used to,be a furniture store, and they left some things behind.

"I guess that I can stay here for a while." I say before I grab an old blanket and pillow; shaking the dust off before I use them.

The place was so dusty, but I couldn't worry about that. I needed a shelter and this is the only place I had to go for right now.

I laid the pillow in the corner of the shop before laying down and placing my head on the old pillow. It smelled like cigarette smoke, but I ignored it. I had to lay my head on something and this was the only thing I had.

I wrapp the blanket around me as the storm starts to pick up outside. The rain starts to fall harder and falls faster than just a few minutes ago.

The wind picks up and the room gets colder than it was before because of the broken window to the right of the front door.

I shiver as I pull the blanket closer to me, trying to keep myself as warm as possible.

Despite the wind howling and being cold, I eventually drift off into a dreamless sleep, one arm over my stomach trying to protect my baby that rests within my stomach.

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