I Go Than You Go

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Okay i see Zach at the meet&greet but it was so akward so i ran up to him hugged him and said i have something to say ariel blurts it out I LIKE YOU. Everybody there started screaming Zariel Zariel then Zach says well i thought you wouldn't feel the same way as i do but i really like you Zach say cutely Ariel:ever since i met you i've liked you and does this mean we're official?Zach:well i mean yeah if you want us to be im down (you guys not in that way😂😆)

Zach and Ariel announced that they were official Zariel!!

So we told our parents and they were so so happy for us and than we went on our first date to the beach and we got ice cream and before that he took me to dinner

Hey my Zariel shipers im still really busy im going somewhere and im trying to get ready to go somewhere so yup Bye!

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