Chapter 5

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*Last chapters events*

Later that night, 3:29am
Erin's POV:

I wake up to the loss of breath. I open my eyes and feel hands around my neck. I push whoever it is off, grabbing and scratching them. I turn the lamp on and finally see who it is.
Oh . My . God.

Erin's POV:
"Jay!" I yell. I just woke up to Jays hands around my neck. What the hell?!
I keep coughing trying to get some air.
" no no Erin. I'm so sorry." Jay starts crying. He leans back into the bed. "Erin I didn't mean to. I don't know what happened. I could've killed you." He blurts out. He was dreaming. He starts to get up but I put my hand on his shoulder. "It's not your fault. It was a dream that made its way into the real world. But Jay, you need to get help." He hesitates to nod. He lays back and so do I. He moved as a far as he could from me on the bed. So far I'd say he's in another area code over there. "Jay." I say and put my hand on his arm. He looks at me with concern.

"Come here.. It's fine."

"I don't want to hurt you again Erin. I never wanted to hurt you."

"Jay. Did it hurt? Hell yes. Am I gonna put it against you? No. You couldn't do anything to stop it. It's not your fault."

He looks at me with glassy eyes and then moves closer but still quite far. He's not gonna come to me? Fine. I scoot myself closer and put myself under his arm and on his bare chest. He gives me a gentle loving squeeze before we both doze off.

*In the morning*
Voight's POV:

Sometimes being the first at work gets boring. But I like the peace and quiet. It's nice. Just me, the soothing tick of the clock, and peaceful silen... *knock*
"Come in." Erin walks in and I see hand prints and red marks all over her neck.

"Erin what the hell happened?"

"Jay. But h...."

"Halstead did this?!?"

Are you kidding!?! I have that kid my blessing to marry Erin! I swear to god his ass is in the river! I scoot myself out of my chair and open my door. By now the rest of the unit is here. "Halstead!" He jumps in surprise and probably fear as well. Which is a good thing. He's now out of his chair but not for long. I've shoved him up against the wall. "Hank! Stop!" Erin yells. Why does she want me to stop? This asshole attacked her! The rest of the unit, mainly Olinsky and Dawson, are trying to pry me off of him. Halstead isn't fighting back. Smart kid. "Hank!" Erin says while prying me off. They finally manage to pull me off but I haven't taken my eyes off him. Ruzek took Halstead to the locker room while Erin pushed me into my office and closed the door.

"What the hell Hank?!"

"I gave him one rule! If he hurt you he would be at the deepest and farthest place in Chicago!"

"He was dreaming! It was triggered by PTSD! It wasn't his fault Hank. I'm not putting it against him."

"He could've killed you Erin!"

"But he didn't. He couldn't help it. He needs help Hank. Let's help him. Please."

Jay's POV:

Sargent Hank Voight just attacked me and didn't kill me. Time to check that off my bucket list. Why though? What did I do? Wait. Erin told him about last night didn't she? Damn it. Time to search for a job I guess. Ruzek pulled me into the locker room to I guess help me with my bruised and scratches. I'm surprised, I only got punched once but it was a weak one. "What do you think that was about?" Ruzek asked while cleaning the scratch across my neck. "Something I don't want to talk about." Ruzek looked confused and concerned. I really don't want to talk about hurting and almost killing someone I truly care about. I still can't believe I hurt her. Even if it was caused by trauma. I feel like such an asshole. I didn't even fight against Voight because it wasn't worth it, I deserve what I got. I broke the one rule I was given. I've started thinking about it again and started crying again. "Hey man, it's okay" Ruzek says with a hand on my shoulder. "I didn't mean to. Im so sorry." I put my head in my hands. "Hey. Shh.... Uh Lindsay!"

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