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Lex's Perspective

I woke up to the sound of my phone vibrating. I immediately grabbed my phone from the bedside table to see. It was a message... A message from Andrea. I smirked and opened the message. Yet when I opened the message, my smirk disappeared instantly. I read the message out loud.

"I'm leaving town." I bit down on my bottom lip and thought for a few moments. I responded out loud in a whisper.

"No you're not..." I immediately got up and began to get dressed. As I put on a new shirt and finished putting on my jeans, I pressed call on her contact and held the phone to my ear. "Don't...don't..." I whispered to myself as I waited. After a few moments she answered.


"Where are you?" she sighed as I interrupted her. I used my shoulder to balance my phone as I put on my shoes. "And just where are you going?" I tied the laces on my shoes and headed towards the door, holding my phone up to my ear again.

"Lex, I'm sick of this. I'm sick of being here and I'm sick of this nonsense relationship we have with each other. It's better if we're apart... We're wasting each other's time and you know that--"

"Andrea do not ever say that again. You are not a waste of my time, you never were and you never will be. Where are you? I'm coming to get you." I opened the door and quickly headed downstairs to the front door.

"Lex please. Let me go okay? If you love me... You'll let me go." I stopped in my tracks as I listened to her voice.

"Andrea no. No I-I'm not letting you go not because I don't love you but because I know what will happen to you if you leave."

"Wha--What do you even think would happen if I left hmm? Other than you having no one to cuddle?" she sighed again. "I just think it would be better if we forgot about each other."

"Mm. No. No it wouldn't be better if we forgot about each other. Andrea you are my whole life--"

"Don't say that."

"Why not hmm? You already know that. What's the point in not saying it hmm? What are you so afraid of Andrea, what are you hiding?"


"No. Tell me where you are. For once in your life Andrea, actually talk about your problems instead of running away from them." I began to walk towards the door again.

"Lex, for once in your life actually accept your fate."

"Andrea don't--" she hung up on me. I swore quietly to myself then called Mercy. She answered immediately.

"Yes Mr. Luthor?"

"Help me find Andrea before she leaves town. I'm not losing her again."

"Yes sir."

Andrea's Perspective

I sighed again and kept my head down as I kept walking. Despite having hung up on him now twenty minutes ago, I still felt nervous and like I was being watched. And of course, I was right for being scared.

"Andrea!" I gasped as I looked over my shoulder to see Lex. He quickly wrapped his arms around me and held me close.

"Lex... Let me go." I tried to pull away yet he kept his grip on me.

"No. Andrea, do not leave me. You cannot...leave me..." I sighed and tried to pull away again but this time he put his hand on the back of my head.

"Lex please--" as he finally allowed me to pull away he suddenly pulled out handcuffs wrapped one of the cuffs around my wrist, trapping me. He then wrapped the other around his wrist. My eyes widened as I gasped. "LEX! WHAT THE HELL!?" I immediately yelled, now instantly angry.

"Don't worry. I have the key." he then held up the key to the hand cuffs and tilted his head. I frowned and reached for it.

"Let me go you freak!" I exclaimed as he then pressed the key into his palm and took it away.

"One thing first." I rolled my eyes.

"Now Lex, I know you want nothing more for me to fall into your arms and call you prince charming but that's not going to happen." he smirked.

"While that would be nice that's not actually what I'm asking for." I huffed and arched a eyebrow.

"Fine. What do you want." he smiled kindly and tilted his head a little more.

"Number one, I want you to promise me that you won't try to leave without me. I care very much about you and I don't want to see you leave. Therefor, No leaving without me. That's not nice."

"Fine sure. Now can you unlock this stupid thing?" I tried to reach for the key again yet he pulled it away again.

"Nah ah ah! Not done!" I sighed loudly as he spoke. "I want you to have dinner with me. Like we talked about just yesterday. I invited you to dinner, you never came."

"And what happens if I say no hmm? Are you just going to keep me here?"

"Well. Yes. Exactly. That is, until you say yes. I've got all day. Keep in mind it's just now seven o'clock in the morning."

"Tell me this won't be a formal dinner?"

"It can be if you want it to be..."

"No. If we're having dinner I want it to be casual okay?" he smirked again.

"...So it's a yes?"

"It's a sure. Now can you unlock me?" I held up my wrist.

"Sure. But, just one more thing?" he asked, taking a step closer.

"What now?"

"Can I get a kiss? Just a small one?"

"Unlock me first."

"Agree to kiss me first."

"Fine! I'll kiss you. Just unlock me!"

"Wait sorry? I can't hear you?" he turned his head and came a little closer towards me, pretending like he didn't hear me. I huffed and said it again.

"I'll kiss you. Unlock. Me."

"Promise me?"

"I promise." he smiled and unlocked the handcuffs, setting me free first. I sighed and rubbed my wrist as he then unlocked his. He put the handcuffs away in his back pocket and smirked again.

"Now. You promised..." I rolled my eyes. "Eight o'clock. Tonight. Mercy will pick you up."

"Yeah yeah. Sure." I then kissed his cheek and walked away.

THE WOODS (2/2) ;; LEX LUTHOR Where stories live. Discover now