Chapter One

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The darkness was absolute. Complete.
   Rowan enjoyed the darkness, he felt calm but  a little out of place. Expectant. Like something was about to happen but he didn't know what.
  Then he heard a voice.
   " - coming to check".
   The voice droned on and on. Then he heard the slam of a door. That was weird. He couldn't see any doors at all.
   Just darkness.
  But even the darkness wasn't so absolute anymore. It was thinner, lighter and he was beginning to hear sounds.
  " Look he twitched!"
   "Keep your voice down Cody!"
Rowan groaned. He hated the sound of the voices. Their sharp intensity caught through his dark, quiet haze".
     Though not so dark anymore.
                 And quiet.
    He might as well open his eyes.
   Sharp light hit him full-on. He saw blurry shapes but couldn't make out what they were. Only the voices made sense to him.
"He's awake! Quick Cody go get the doctor! "Rowan heard the slam of a door and winced.
  Then he heard rustling. Like the sound of a person going through his or her clothes. Then a voice.
" Dear, dear Rowan. Sweet child. You had me quite scared for a while y'know. Thought everything was lost. But everything's not lost, in fact everything's found."
  Rowan felt the sharp pain of a syringe being injected through his wrist. He felt the liquid rushing through his body, his heart beat increasing.
   Then everything became absolutely black and quiet again.
   Cody came back with the doctor, panting. "He's--" He clutched his chest and pointed at the hospital bed.
  The doctor looked at Rowan and raised an eyebrow.
Shanice smiled sweetly. "Sorry. Little mistake. We thought he had woken up or something".
Cody gaped at Shanice, his mouth open. He tried to say something but only managed a wheeze.
Shanice stared at Cody darkly then turned back to the doctor and smiled sweetly. "Anyway Doc, we see we were wrong and you know what?  It seems we have to get going anyway. Call us when anything happens. Okay?"
     Shanice stood up and leaving the room dragged Cody along with her.  The obese chap wheezed and spluttered as he still tried to get some words out. 
   Alone in the room, Doctor Richard glanced at the sleeping teenager on the bed then made for the door. He stopped and peered at Rowan again. He could swear his face was flushed. But not white.....
Wait red and silver?!
  Doctor Richard's heart rate sped up as he made his way towards Rowan. Dear Lord, he didn't want to have another dead patient on the record. It will be the fourteenth this month.
   Bad for business.
The Soul and Body hospital was striving as it was already.
  Suddenly the door flew open and hit the wall with a bang. Nurse Mowell stood just outside, panting. Her face red from fear and shock.
"Doctor! Emergency! Room 214! Patient having a fit! Convulsing!"
"Send him to the E. R, "Doctor Richard ordered, at once alert. Without a backward glance at Rowan, he dashed out of the room, his mind on the difficult procedures he would have to perform during the surgery.
Hy! So yeah, my first update. Really hope you like it so far and please if you do vote and comment.
Sorry about the book cover,I know it's wacky and doesn't fit but hey remember the saying "don't judge a book by it's cover"?
Anyway I have big plans for this book so just hang in there. And please if you don't like it or it's stupid to you... GO! NO BAD COMMENTS... PLEASE. I'm actually a tad too sensitive especially as writing is my passion.
So here's the deal, if you don't like.. Leave
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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2016 ⏰

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