Chapter 5- The School and its problems

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I was went to school, when i first started to go to my new school i feel very lonely there as i don't have any friend at that time. So i weep everyday after reaching school. I also lie many a times in school to get the hell out of there. I take stomach pain as the only tool to leave the class and finally school so papa has to come whenever i wanted to get out of school so i went to sick room and live there till papa arrives and then leaving the school with principal's and class teacher's permission. As my idea of stomach pain works so i did use the element as a sickness and it became a usual activity for me that i fool school and dad to get to the home. After seeing that my pain becomes a routine job. So my parents took me to a child specialist for my stomach case, he gives medicines and also suggested a ultra sound and when my ultra sound reports were came i was shocked because doctor after seeing the reports said that your size of gall bladder has increased. I hoped how it can happen because i knew that i was perfectly fit. So it became a matter of suspect which is a suspect till now that how could it happens either its my fault that i have spoken lie and it is happened by medicines which i have taken earlier or the doctor is an idiot, he may have made us fool and gave a treatment for 6 months, the medicines which i have to take was tablets which i was not fond of, a red tablet which i have to take every morning after breakfast, i used to take by beating it and mixing it with sugar, i couldn't swallow it directly by water because i was not in a habit of taking tablets otherwise i vomited. Friday is the day when i have to face a class test, the marks of which is added in the exams, i remember i used to vomit every friday not because of sour medicine which i take but because of the test which i have to face with, the pressure of test was quite high so i vomit and many a times feels unenergetic because all breakfast and protein and all go out with the vomit.

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