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I got up from the couch and headed towards the kitchen. I got the cereal box from on top of the fridge and grabbed a bowl. I put some cereal in and poured in the milk. I grabbed a spoon and silently started shoving the cereal in my mouth.
Then someone knocked on the door. How late did I wake up. Is Harry here already. I checked the time above the stove and saw that it was 8:36. I got up and went to go answer the door.
"You look nice", said Vanessa.
"Hey, what are you doing here?"
"You didn't get my text. I told you I was coming over so we could hang for a bit and then get ready for the party together."
"No I didn't. I kinda.....threw it at a wall and it shattered. But I have a new one."
"Oh. Well I figured since you didn't answer you didn't really care so I just came."
"Oh well come in."
She walked in the house and I went back to the kitchen and ate my cereal.
"So what have you been up to."
She took a seat on the couch.
"Nothing really. Yesterday I went out to go read my mothers will, but that was it really."
"Are you sure, because that's not what this picture says. I didn't know you were good at drawing."
I dropped my spoon and went to go snatch back the picture.
"It's nothing. It's just some stupid doodle."
"Lil, this is not a doodle. This is art. This beautiful. This is.....I don't even know what this is. I have no words for it."
"Thanks but I was just playing around."
"Well you should play around more often. This is amazing. This makes me feel something, like I could feel why she's sad."
"I bet you can't." I muttered.
"Wow Lil."
She handed me the picture and I put it on the counter in the kitchen and went back to my breakfast.
"So, how's life been.....you know."
"Okay." Eh.....
"That's good." She looked at the tree.
"You still have this up?"
"Yeah I need help putting it back. You mind helping when I'm done."
"Yeah, sure."
I finished my breakfast and put the bowl in the sink. I redid my ponytail and headed over to where Vanessa was.
"Let's get started." She said.
I grabbed some boxes and started to put all the ornaments in the box. Once we were done we started taking the Christmas tree apart. She was allergic to real ones so we always had a fake tree.
We put it back in the box it came from
and put it with the ornaments.
"Hey Lil, you didn't open any of your gifts?"
"No. It just didn't feel right, celebrating without her."
"But you know she would want you to, right. And what if there is something valuable that she really wanted you to have? It's just gonna sit there in the box."
She had a good point but I'm it didn't feel right opening them.
"Just open a few Lil. There could be some thing really important to her that she wanted you to have and your going to put it in the attic."
I looked at her and then gave in. I took three gifts that were addressed to me and set them on the coffee table. The rest went in a box for the attic. We brought up the boxes and then sat on the couch to open them.
I took the first one out of the bag. It was a new computer with the mocking jay symbol on the back. I set it on the coffee table and opened the next one. The next one was a professional drawing kit and three notebooks with blank paper. How ironic. She probably got this for drawing classes because she thought I was going to like it. I placed that one next to the computer. The next one was in a good sized box with a bow. I opened and there was a note. Check in the garage.
"What's it say?" Said Vanessa.
I handed her the note and folded back the tissue paper to find a pair of car keys. My mouth fell open. I picked up the keys like it was some sort of bug and held them in the air.
"No way." Said Vanessa.
We both got up and walked outside into the freezing cold. We went by the garage and I typed in the pin. The door started to slide up and revealed a black car with a red bow across the hood.
"Oh my god Lil you got a car!"
I didn't say anything. I just thought about her. How she had to work her butt off at the diner to get me this.
"Hey Lil."
"You wanna try this out later. Take this to the New Years Party."
"Uh I'm not really sure, Vaness."
"Why not?"
"I don't know.....I just.....I feel like I shouldn't drive it. You know? I don't think I should drive it without thanking her. I don't even think I'm going to keep it."
"Why Lil?"
"It just doesn't feel right. She probably worked sunrise to sunset to get this car and......it just doesn't feel right without her." I started tearing up.
"Come here Lil."
She gave me a hug.
"I knew your mother and she would not want you to be like this. She would want you to move on. She would want you to make new experiences and have fun. Not cry and be sad....."
"But nothing Lil. You and me are going to that party in this car, got it. Do it for your mom. She might not be here but she's here."
She pointed to my heart.
"She'll still be able to go with you. Where ever you go she's going to follow."
This was too much for one day. I can't keep talking about her. It was killing me.
"Ok, only if you stop talking about her though."
"Deal. Now let's go in and start getting ready. The party starts at 6."
We walked out of the garage and into the house. I went straight to the kitchen to get some pepper towels and dry my eyes.
"Lil in going to text Harry that we are going to be driving there ok?"
"Yeah ok. I'm going to put this stuff in my room."
I grabbed the computer and the drawing stuff and went upstairs to put it on my desk. Then I went downstairs to see Vanessa admiring the picture again.
"Hey you ready to get done?" I asked.
"Yeah. Wait is this your phone? Want me too bring it up?"
She grabbed my phone and then we headed upstairs. We went in my room and I sat on my bed and Vanessa dived into my closet.
"Ok I picked out an outfit for you. Is this ok?" She said emerging from my closet.
She picked out a turquoise and black striped dress and black boots with a short heel and my black leather jacket.
"Yeah. You know your welcome to my closet if you want?"
"I know. You start getting dressed and I'll pick out an outfit for me."
I grabbed my clothes and went into the bathroom. I didn't question Vanessa's fashion advice, 1 I don't really care what I wear unless it's all pink and 2 she's a very fashionable person. I trust her.
I walked into my room and Vanessa was already done and was texting. She was wearing a purplish, reddish colored long sleeved shirt and a cream colored lace skirt with black leggings and a pair of short black wedged boots.
"You look nice." Vanessa said.
"Not as nice as you. You look amazing." I told her.
"Thanks. Do you want to go first or do you want me?" She asked.
"You can go first."
"Ok. Do you mind curling my hair?"
I grabbed the curling iron and started to do her hair. About thirty minutes later we switched positions.
"I'll do the makeup." She said and I nodded my head in agreement. She got out the makeup and started doing her thing.
Twenty minutes later we were all done with getting ready. We had an extra hour and a half left.
"Wow that was the quickest we've ever gotten ready before." She said and I smiled.
"So you have anything you want to do?"
"Well I need to go to the bank, but that's it."
"Ok let's go to the bank then and then after the banks we'll go to the party."
I grabbed the keys to the car and got on my jacket and beanie. Vanessa got on her coat and we went to the garage. We got in the car and I started it. I felt a jult in my stomach as we left the driveway and to the bank.
*knock knock*
"Hey guys."
"Hey Louie."
We walked in the house and into the living room.
"Hey guys", said Vanessa.
"Hey", said Niall and Zayn.
They were arguing on what channel the ball was going to drop on.
"Where is everyone?" Asked Vanessa.
"Outside, talking. Zayn I'm telling you it's on channel 100." Argued Niall.
"Do we even have a channel 100?" Asked Zayn.
We walked to the sliding door and joined the few people outside. There were 3 other girls.
"Hey guys."
"Hey Harry." I said.
"You guys can come sit over here with us. Those two are still trying to figure out the channel so we decided to sit out here and wait."
I went to go sit next to Harry and Vanessa sat next to Liam.
"I don't think you've met these people. That's Perrie, Zayn's girlfriend. That's Eleanor, Louie's girlfriend and Ali Niall's girlfriend."
"Hey", I said.
"Guys this is my girlfriend Lillian and her friend Vanessa."
"Hey girls."
"Hey." We said at the same time.
"So how are you famous?" Asked Eleanor.
"Oh, I'm not famous for anything. I'm just a normal person."
"Oh. Well I'm a model."
"She's a really good drawer though. Like awesome." Said Vanessa.
I turned my head and gave Vanessa a look like she revealed too much. She mouthed sorry and I had to.
I looked around and all the boys had a confused look on there face.
"Really? You think you can draw a picture of me?"
"Uh no but maybe a dog or something?"
Everyone laughed and I relaxed.
"That's fine with me. You guys have a pencil and paper?"
"Yeah I'll go get some", said Liam.
I got really worried. I honestly was just playing around yesterday when I drew the picture. Plus I was just doing what the easel said and you can't follow the easel when drawing a dog. Liam came back and gave me the paper and pencil and a clip board. Luckily my heroes came out and said that they found the channel.
We all went inside. I sat on a stool by the counter. Vanessa sat at a table near by and everyone sat on the couch. I started getting back to the drawing since they were all expecting one.
About forty minutes later I had a body and a tail and began working on the head. Once I got the head and ears done I started on the face. I was adding last minute details when Niall asked if anyone wanted drinks.
"I do", said everyone.
"Pepsi ok?"
We all answered yes and he got up and started handing them out. Then he jumped on the couch and accidentally changed the channel to the news.
"Sorry. Zayn what channel is it?"
"It's....." Started Zayn but was interrupted by Eleanor.
"Wait leave this on for a sec. I've never heard about this."
The voice I never wanted to hear again started speaking. I got the chills.
"Thanks Amy. Today a special memorial was finished being built by the site of the Pre Christmas Accident."
So that's what there calling it. I can't believe there still talking about this.
"For those of you who forgot or haven't heard at all about this at all for some strange reason, on the pre day of Christmas there was a horrible accident including a tow truck that let off a few cars and smashing the ones behind it. This accident killed 3 and injured 6. The ones who were killed and given this memorial are Bob Simpla, Nicole Crook, and Daniella Galloway."
Her name gave me chills. Why isn't anybody changing the channel. I just stared at my paper and pretended non of this bothered me.
"I'm going to change it now...." Said Niall.
"Hold on...", said Eleanor and I think she took the remote.
"The order of the car crash was Daniella Galloway being the first car behind the truck and getting the worst of it, then Bob Simpla, then Nicole Crook. There names are on the beautiful sculpted crashed car right at the place of where they all sadly died."
"Ok I think that's enough", said Harry and I think he grabbed the remote back and asked Zayn for the right channel.
I started tearing up but I made sure they didn't leave my eyes and went back to the drawing.
A few minutes later Eleanor said, "Well if you ask me they all got what they deserved."
"We I'm pretty sure no one asked", said Vanessa and they all turned around to look at her, but Eleanor kept going.
"I mean who isn't spending time with there family on Pre Christmas. That's just rude and cruel. I would hate to be that person as my family member. Christmas with a dead family member."
I could feel the eyes on me. I didn't realize it but I snapped the pencil.
"Well maybe that person was busy and had to finish Christmas shopping or had to work a little extra late." Said Vanessa.
"Still. They should've done that weeks ago. And if you were working late you shouldn't be working at all on Pre Christmas. You should be with your family getting ready for the holidays. Not being there is basically saying that I don't love or have time for my family. I think they deserved what they got. Hopefully they taught the world lesson. To be with your family and spending time with them not neglecting them."
I got up and left the room to outside where we were before. Before I left I heard Vanessa and Eleanor get into a fight.
Harry's POV
I got up and made my way towards outside but a dog distracted me. I went over to the counter and looked at the most life like drawing I've ever seen in my life. I grabbed it and went back to going outside.
I went through the door and I found Lillian crying in the chair we were in before.
"Hey are you ok?" I asked her.
"Yeah I'm fine."
I could clearly tell she was lying. She leaned on my shoulder and I put my arm around her. She put her feet up so they were on the couch.
"Do you think she's right?" Asked Lillian who stopped crying a little.
"Me? I couldn't think she could be anymore wrong and I think everyone agrees by the sound of it."
There was a silence where we listened to the fighting in the living room.
"Harry......I miss her. I want her back."
She said in almost a whisper.
"I know you do. Things will get better though I promise. Remember we're in this together. Remember the promise I made with your mom?"
"......... I love you Harry."
"I love you too....Hey so when were you going to tell me that you were an artist?"
I showed her the picture she drew.
"Well I just found out about it. It was one of those hidden talent kind of things. I don't think it's good though."
"It's amazing. If this is a hidden talent then I wish I had one."
"You do what about your singing. Wasn't that a hidden talent, or did you take lessons?"
I chuckled. She was slowly coming back. This is the closest I've seen Lillian happy in a week.
"Good point."
Then Louie walked in. I wonder how long he's been listening.
"Hey if you want we are all calm again and restrained you can come back in. And sorry about Eleanor. She speaks without thinking sometimes", said Louie.
"It's fine. It wasn't your fault." Replied Lillian.
"Well than why don't we go back in and watch the ball drop." Said Louie.
"You ok with that? I'm not going to leave you out here alone"? I asked her.
We all walked inside. I placed her drawing back on the counter and joined Lillian on the couch.
Lillian's POV
We watched the ball drop ten minutes later and we all made noise and stuff. Then Vanessa and I got ready to go home. We said goodbye to everyone and went to the car.
We drove to my house because Vanessa got permission to sleep over. We got home and changed into more comfortable clothes and went to bed. Vanessa fell asleep almost instantly but I stayed up. I stayed up replaying what Eleanor said in my head.
I knew I wasn't going to sleep for a while so I decided to draw some more. Get some of my stress and feelings out of me.
I carefully got out of bed and grabbed a notebook that my mom gave me and a pencil from the kit. I went back to my bed and started to put my feelings in my art.

 I went back to my bed and started to put my feelings in my art

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