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Teeth chattering, the woman staggered out into the clearing, in her arms a swaddle of blankets that she held tenderly to her breast. Up in the sky, the full moon shined brightly, it's faint rays of light casting everything a silver sheen. Wet, tangled hair dripped a trail of saline water that slowly dissipated into the cold night air. With a melodious voice, the woman spoke softly to the bundle in her arms.

A small gurgle responded to the voice and the woman sighed in relief.
"My little clam, keep calm for a little while... Momma will find Aunt Nana soon and we will be safe for a while longer."

Suddenly, a flash of lightning struck the tree beside them. The woman dived down in fright and a baby's wail rose among the thunderous noise around her. She tried furtively to quiet down the wail. Another lightning flashed. Sparks of fire rose. Roots rose from the ground and seemed to form a shield over the woman. Another flash. 

The woman raised her arm in determination as sparks continued to spread around the clearing. Glittering blue spheres appeared around her. Frowning in concentration she pressed her fingers and the spheres came together to form a jewel, blue like the deep sea. 

"Hush my clam," the woman leaned back down over the bundle in her other arm. "Wear this and you'll be safe for now. Momma will watch over you." She knelt down in exhaustion and attached the jewel, now a necklace, around the baby's neck.

 A crash of thunder resounded very close behind her. She glanced back urgently, expression firm. The air grew heavier, so humid that one can feel the sweat trickle down their back. The tree branches waved and tangled about each other. Fire crackled in the distance. A single flash of lightning revealed the clearing in all its glory. 

The woman was gone.

A sharp pair of stormy grey eyes surveyed the surroundings. A few wet footsteps were still present in the grass, scorched grass. However, there were no living being in the clearing.

The baby was gone as well.

Anzeclarea Realm: Diving into a New Worldحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن