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So my fingers have healed just in time for OriginalBeliever to host a writing contest. The challenge was to write a really emotional fluffy one shot, so I did the best I could with that. Mine is probably going to be the worst one because my work is not that amazing compared to others. Well fingers crossed, but I have no confidence in myself 😂

By the way: The requirement said at least 1000 words and mine is 1188.

"Robin do you love me?" Regina asked him.

"I love you to the moon and back." Robin told her.

Her heart swelled in her chest, so many men have told her that same statement before but now she knew, he was the first one that really meant it. To her he was her moon, even though he might be separated from her for awhile, he will always come back to her eventually just like the moon and the sun always do.

"Robin why do you love me? Out of all the women of Storybrooke why me?" She asked out of curiosity knowing Robin would always tell her the truth.

He pulled her into his arms on the couch and held her, "Because I knew you were special from the moment I met you. I knew you would be a challenge, but I knew you were worth it." He said as he started kissing her neck.

"No other woman in Storybrooke is the same as you, Regina. I love you, I love all of you every single inch." He said as his hands traveled to rest around her waist.

Her whole body tingled under his touch, no other man had ever made her feel this way. Robin was special in his own way too, he understood her in a way no one else ever could.

Regina kissed him back passionately , "I love you too Robin. I love you for the way you make me feel, for your honesty and honor."

She slid further into the Thief's arms and automatically felt at home. She wished she could stay in his embrace for the rest of her life. Just her and her thief, no one to judge them, no more missions or villains to take on. Just her and him they would be each other's world, with no need to go out into the real one. In that moment Regina let herself believe that he was the only thing that mattered.

But then laying in his arms she realized something. She lost him to Marian, she nearly lost him to death in Camelot, and she did lose him to death by Hades. If she lost him three times before it could happen again. Sure he died and came back but that can't happen a third time in a row. That's why she felt a wave of sadness come over her, she should've been enjoying his presence and the fact that he was with her now but she couldn't help but feel sad.

She muffled a sob into his strong but yet soft chest. He was always their for her to listen to her when she was down. Always caring about how she felt no matter what the situation, and that's why he was the only person she ever cried around. To the others she was the strong leader but to him, she was a normal human being with emotions just like the others. No not the strong queen everyone else saw, but the Regina that cared very deeply on the inside.

"Regina love, what's wrong? Are you alright?" He asked her, he held her up so she could sit next to him and looked her in the eye.

"It's what you did right Robin, I love you so much and I'm afraid of losing you, again." She said through teary eyes.

Robin hated seeing Regina this way, whenever she was upset he was also broken inside, maybe it was a soulmate thing, but at this point Regina needed him, needed him to stay strong. He wanted to tell her that everything would be okay, that no harm would come to the two of them. But he knew that if he did it would be a lie. Because this is not a safe world to live in, different villains coming to harm them every other week. It's almost as if the world would test them, to see how much they could handle. He wanted to promise her the world, but he knew he couldn't, right now he could only promise to keep her safe as long as he could. He could only vow to himself that no harm would ever come to her, not on his watch. Regina has a tough exterior but on the inside she is like a valuable and delicate flower, one that has to be protected at all costs.

"Regina look at me." He said as he softly placed  his hands into hers. "I can't promise you that we won't face another hardship in life, but I can promise you that when we do we'll deal with it together. Because I love you and I never want you to ever feel pain, ever again."

Breaking eye contact Regina fell into him again, trying to stop crying as the last of her sniffles came out.

"Robin promise me one thing." She started "Promise me you'll never leave me, ever again."

He wrapped his arms around her, "I promise you while I'm walking on the face of this earth I will never leave you."

Feeling better Regina finally relaxed into Robin, however Robin, feeling a little melancholy after the conversation they had just had decided to take action.

Quickly Robin flipped Regina over and started tickling her. Not much made Regina feel better, but Robin knew making her laugh would.

But that's another reason why Regina loved him because he knew exactly what she needed, when she needed it. So as she was being mercilessly tickled by her soulmate, Regina decided she would flip him over, though her efforts failed and they both ended up falling off the couch. They ended up in such a position that Robin was on top of her.

"Mercy, mercy please no more tickling." Regina laughed out, pleading to him.

Robin gave head and instead of using his advantage to tickle her, he kissed her instead.

In that moment Regina knew, this was what her life was meant to lead up to. All of the hardships and relationships. All of the bad times and all of the good times, it all led her to this, to Robin. This is really what happiness felt like, and she didn't intend to ever let that feeling go. Would they face challenges? Yes most definitely, but what couple hadn't? They would live life to the fullest, together.

So OriginalBeliever here is my entry, I hope you enjoyed reading it!!

For my regular readers I will hopefully get the next chapter of my main hook up sometime next week. (I'm doing a family garage sale this weekend so I won't have enough time this week)

Again thanks for reading and sorry for the delay 💕

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