Len's Shampoo is Dangerous

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Neru: -runs out of the mansion squealing- I GOT LEN'S BANANA SCENTED SHAMPOO!

Len: -runs out in a towel- GIVE IT BACK!

Teto: Really, how does it smell?

Tei: Wow Teto, banana scented shampoo, I wonder how it smells, certainly not like BANANAS!!

Len: Can I have my shampoo now?

Neru, Teto and Tei: ¡¡NO!!

Miku: Stop torturing my Lenny-kun!

Gumi: He's not yours, he's mine!

IA: NO Lenny is mine

Rin: He's my brother


Yuuma, Oliver and Piko: WE LOVE YOU LEN!

Len: Is this some kind of yaoi fanboy scene?!?!

Girls: NO we're here!

Len: -snatches shampoo out of Neru's hand and runs to the bathroom-

Neru:HEY........................................................................................................................................oh well

-Nyan Cat flies in farting rainbows due to yaoi-

Meiko: -comes in drunk- GO HOME NYAN YOU'RE DRUNK!

Dell: -comes in high- NYAN GO HOME YOU'RE HIGH!

Nyan Cat: I am! -leaves and goes to destroy the Fairytail Guild-

Meiko and Dell: This song is my Pokemon song:
-singing- I'm a Pokeloid, I'm a Vocamon x 100

Everyone Else: -leave-

-Time Skip (five hours later) brought by Len dancing in a tutu-

Meiko and Dell: -pass out-

Nyan Cat: -comes back to destroy the Vocaloid mansion-

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