Chapter 1

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I've been with Ashton for 3 years in two weeks. Ashton is such a good boyfriend. So kind, so gentle. I'm Lana by the way. Only seventeen years old. Ashton is tall, handsome. A light brown color for hair and beautiful hazel eyes. He is the definition of beauty. Ashton takes care of me. He's there for me. Meet my best friend Michael. He's tall with multicolored hair and emerald eyes. He's been a good friend of mine for about twelve years and I wouldn't trade him for the world. Michael's mother passed away last week and he's needed me more now than ever. She got into a tragic and fatal car accident. Ashton has started to get jealous because I've been spending so much time with Michael. He needs to understand that Michael is my best friend and nothing will change that. Then there's Luke and Calum. They have been together for about a year after Calum finally confessed his feelings for Luke. They've known each other for longer than I can even remember. Luke was very tall with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes and Calum is tall with dark brown hair and brown eyes. We all grew up together. They're the people who have always been there for me no matter what.

Today I'm going to spend some time with Michael. He really needs someone to be there for him. I've never seen him so upset. He's torn apart. Michael used to have severe depression and anxiety. He also self-harmed like no other. Cutting, scratching, burning, pinching, anything to help him find a release for his emotions. He had to go to rehab for six months and he finally got better. Now, he's all screwed up again. He's even come to me talking about suicide and I will not let him slip back into sadness. Those were the worst years of his life and I wasn't going to let that happen again. I decided to text him.

Hey Michael, come over dude. I wanna see you. We can watch Pokémon or play it or do whatever you want. :)


Okay I'll be over later. Thanks Lana, you're a great friend.


I heard a knock on my door. It was Michael


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2016 ⏰

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The Benefits Of Being Friends // Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now