5 years me and Noah have been together

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Hayden and I have been together for 5 whole years and they have been the best 5 years ever. I'm think about asking her to be my wife, she's perfect and I know that she will be a great mother. I think when I ask her it's going to be at her favorite place to just chill at, well it's in our bedroom but she loves O2L. That's at a O2L tour, she thinks they are really funny. An I really want her to go to one of their tours, she's never been to one. So here we are on our way to an O2L tour but Hayden doesn't know. She's right next to me wondering were we are going. "Hayden?" "Ya?" "I didn't want to tell you but we are going to a O2L tour babe." "AHHHHHH WAIT REALLY, AWE BABE I LOVE YOU." "I love you to babe." "So why are we going to an O2L tour?" "Because I want to show my girlfriend how much I love her."

- at the concert- 
Ahhhhhhh me and Lukas are at an O2L tour and I'm about to meet an were about to meet Kian freakin Lawley. I love him so much, As friend because I have loved Lukas ever since I say his first musical.ly, I instantly fell in love with him. But Kian is just so funny and adorable. O2L saved my life, when I was younger I wanted to kill myself because, everyone at school would bully me. They bullied me because, I was fat,ugly and stupid. But when I watched O2L and saw how funny and weird they were, it made me feel better. They showed me that I could be myself and still have friends. An be weird and to not let anyone tell me to be someone else. If people don't like you for who you are then they aren't worth your time. Be happy with the friends you have, you don't need a lot of friends. So anyway right now I'm in line to see Kian and I'm next. AHHHHH so when I got up there Kian gave me a hug, we took some pictures and posted them on my snapchat, and his. Then Kian said," I'm your friend if you need me or the boys then call or text me." He then slid something into my pocket, I said bye to all the boys and me and Noah left and went to get Starbucks. Noah got a Hot chocolate for some reason and I got a Carmel Frappe, like I always do but then he told me to check my pocket. Kian freakin Lawleys number was in my pocket along with a necklace that said," Noah's." It was my favorite color purple and gold."Noah I love it, Noah laugh's and says," I knew you would and I saw Kian give you his number, and I know your just friends but I wanted to make sure that if you guys hang out he knows your mine." "Aweeeee Noah I'm always gonna be yours babe."

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