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They were from two separate worlds. One, living in the lap of prosperity, practically born with a silver spoon in her mouth. The other, living below the line of poverty, just trying to survive. Their paths had no reason to cross, until one fateful day...

Frustrated, Pearl crumpled up this latest version of her book's beginning and tossed it into the ever-growing stack of papers next to her desk. In a sudden fit of rage, she snapped the pencil she was holding in half and threw the two pieces across her room, watching them hit the opposite wall and then roll across the floor before coming to a stop.

"Lap of prosperity"? Yeah, that was a really great line. What was that even supposed to mean? How can you write a novel that'll become a bestseller if you can't even write down the first few words without it already sounding like garbage?

Taking a deep breath, Pearl walked across her room and picked up the two broken halves of her pencil before promptly throwing them in the pastel-colored trash can under her desk. A moment later, she scooped up the stack of crumpled-up introductions and threw those away, too. She always worked better in a non-messy environment.

Picking up another pencil from the (thankfully large) number of them in her pencil case, she pressed the pencil down to paper and, again, started to write. She barely had time to write three words down before she was interrupted by having her bedroom door slammed open.

"Pearl!" Her mother called, walking in uninvited. She slammed the door across the opposite wall and, in her haste, accidentally knocked Pearl's pencil case off of her desk, scattering pencils and erasers across the floor.

"Garnet's outside, she said she needed to talk to you. Is everything okay? It's the middle of the ni-" She didn't get a chance to finish before her daughter shoved past her and sprinted for the front door.

If something was urgent enough for Garnet to have to show up here at this time of night, it had to be bad. What could've happened? Did something happen at Garnet's house? She thought things were doing pretty well there. Were her parents in an accident? Did the school burn down? Did W.E. Diamond finally release a new book?

Before she had time to think of any more scenarios, Pearl had reached her front door.
"Garnet! Is everything okay? What happe-"

"Pearl! Calm down, everything's fine." Her friend's voice reassured.

"Fine? But then what-"

"I got some news," Garnet said slowly, pausing for a second to readjust the sunglasses that she always wore. "It's about Rose."

"Rose? Finally, she hasn't contacted us in months! Is she okay?" Pearl was relieved to finally have some news from her friend and -ahem- the person she may have used to have feelings for.

"She... How do I say this?" Garnet seemed to consider her words before continuing on. "Do you remember how she started dating Greg when she first left for college?"

"Yeah, the guy with the really long hair, right?" Pearl laughed a bit. "He was a weird guy, now that I think about it..."

"This isn't about Greg, Pearl. Well, not directly, that is. The truth is... Rose is pregnant."

That was one of the last things Pearl had been expecting to hear.

"Wait, what? WHAT? They're sophomores in college! Why...?"

"First of all, calm down a little."

"CALM DOWN?! Garnet, do you know what this means? She'll have to drop out of college, completely forfeit her education-"

"Pearl!" Garnet shouted, finally losing her patience. "Look, she told us this because she wants to meet with us tomorrow to talk about it, okay? Wait for me by the front entrance of school tomorrow, after we get out. Got it? Good."

"Wait, Garnet!" Pearl called after her friend, but Garnet had already started walking, and didn't turn around when she heard Pearl's voice.

Feeling like she was about to scream, Pearl shut the door and stormed back to her room, leaving her writing on her desk, forgotten.

She was expecting her first meeting with Rose since the older girl had left for college to be exciting, something to look forward to. Now, it looked like it was going to be the exact opposite of that.


This was extremely rushed, unplanned, and basically decided to do what it wanted to do from the moment I started writing it. I'll probably be revising this before I write any more chapters.
oddyaklover forced me to write this. Thanks, friend.
Anyway, I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy writing this at least a little. I hope you enjoy this story regardless of quality!

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 04, 2016 ⏰

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