Chapter 1

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Elizabeth's POV

"Hey James, get up." I said trying to wake my husband up so we could take our little children to the park. Lola has been begging to go for days. I hit James in the back one more time before I left to check on Lilli because she was crying. I picked her up and held her close. "Don't worry sweetie, mommies here. Mommy will always be here. I heard James talking to Lola. 

An hour and a half later
At the park.

James put Lilli in the baby swing as I was pushing our 4 year old girl Lola. She loved swinging. I heard James work phone go off. "Hello?    
Okay I'll be right there. Bye" He gave me and the girls a kiss before saying "I just got called in to work. There was a critical car crash. Can you find a ride home later?" I nodded and told him I loved him.

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