Chapter 3

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I woke up at 5:30 before my alarm went off to get Jasper and I up for school. Jasper was up and looking at his phone.
"Morning. Do you get up this early every morning?" I say.
"Good morning. No not usually, but I'm just nervous about my first day. It will be better since I have you as my guide... At least I'll know someone."
"Yeah. I'll introduce you to some of my friends today."
"Okay, cool. Are your friends nice?"
"Yes, of course. I think you will like them."
Jasper heads to the bathroom, while I get dressed in my room. Purple and gray striped v-neck, black skinny jeans, and my gray vans. I think I'll wear my purple beanie. I may, also, have a thing for beanies.
I go to the bathroom, so Jasper can have privacy to change. Then, downstairs to have a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast. Jasper comes down after a few minutes. He looks fantastic, wearing a sky blue tee, gray skinny jeans, black converse, and, of course, his aqua colored beanie.
"Would you like some oatmeal or cereal for breakfast, Jasper?"
"Cereal, please."
I fix him a bowl of cereal, and we eat at the dining room table in peaceful silence. Once finished, I set our bowls in the sink.
"I'll go grab my things to take them over to my house. I'll see you at school I guess." He looked a little nervous.
"I'll drive you to school."
"Really?" He sounded more excited.
"Yeah, go grab your backpack and meet me back over here. I'll have my car ready."
"Okay. I'll be right back."
I grabbed my bag, and got the car warmed up. He grabbed his things, took them to his house, and quickly came back over with his backpack thrown over one shoulder. He got in and I drove us to school.
We get out and I walk him inside. I see my friends standing near the lockers on the end, so, we go over and greet them.
"Hey guys, I'd like for you to meet Jasper. He's new at our school, I'm showing him around. Jasper, these are my friends."
"Hi, I'm Cat!" She said shaking his hand. Cat has long, silky purple hair. She's the mom friend, everyone has to have one.
"I'm Leah. I'm Maria's girlfriend."
"Hello, I'm Maria, Leah's girlfriend." She said all giddy. She loves meeting new people, she's a chatterbox.
"Heyo, I'm Colin." He said bumping Jasper's fist.
"And we're Brendan and Branson. We are twins." Said Brendan.
"Alright, well Jasper I'll show you to your first block. Who do you have?"
"Ms. Peterson."
"Me too. Let's be on our way. Bye, gang." I say.
"Bye, guys." Jasper says, turning to follow me.
We walk to first period side by side, but it only took a couple minutes.
"Ms. Peterson doesn't mind where you sit. You can sit near me if you'd like."
"Okay, sounds fine to me."
Jasper sits in the empty seat beside me. I kinda zoned out daydreaming of what would happen if Jasper only knew I had a crush on him. Cat walks into class and sits in front of me, she has this class too. She turned and started snapping her fingers in my face to get me to wake up from my dreamy haze.
"Something is different about you, weirdo." She said playfully.
"Nothing is different. Maybe you're different. Did you dye your hair again?" I babbled.
"Yes, I did. Thank you for noticing. Something is up with you, goofy." And she turned back around as the teacher started calling attendance.
I started drooling in class, daydreaming again. Why can't I keep him off of my mind? We just met, we're just friends. He's probably homophobic anyways. Not that I'd have a chance with him. He's so hot.
Ashton focus! I look up at the teacher, and out of the corner of my eye I can see him looking at me. I turn to look at him, and he turned his attention back at Ms. Peterson. Why was he looking at me? Did he see me drooling?
"Ashton Drew, can you tell me what the biggest country in South America is?" Mrs. Peterson asked, jolting me out of my curious thoughts.
"That would be Brazil ma'am." I say with the entire classes eyes glued to me.
"That is correct." I swear I heard her mumble something about a lucky guess.
The bell rings and we dismiss to 2nd period. It turns out, Jasper and I have the same schedule. So, I walked Jasper to each class. Eventually, lunch came pretty quickly and we sat with the group.
I sat beside Cat, she's like my best friend. She looked at me and smiled. Jasper sat in front of me, beside Colin. Leah and Maria sat on the other side of Cat, while Brendan and Branson sat on the other side of Colin.
"You like him, don't you?" Cat whispered in my ear.
"Maybe, is it that noticeable?" I say.
"I knew you liked him!" She scream whispered, almost too loudly.
"Shhh, he doesn't know I'm gay or that I like him yet. I'm, eventually, going to tell him, of course, about me being gay. Just, not yet."
"Oh, sweetness, he's probably already figured that out. Okay, just kidding with you." She said laughing, then I joined her.
"What's so funny?" Colin asked.
"Nothing." Cat and I said in unison.
"O... Kay, weird."
"Always." I say. Cat couldn't hold her laughter, she busted out giggling.
The rest of lunch we had normal conversation. The group asked Jasper about himself, and got to know him better. Then, the bell rang signaling for us to get to 5th period. I grabbed Jasper's wrist, which made an electric shock go up my arm, and pulled him through the crowd of teenagers making their way to 5th period, so I wouldn't lose him.
The rest of the day I continually walked Jasper to class. When the bell rang for our last class to be over Cat, Jasper, and I walked to our lockers together. Cat, also, has the same schedule as we do.
"Hey, Cat, you want to come over today?" I say.
"Yeah, sure." She says putting books away in her locker.
"Cool, Jasper, you can come over too, if you want."
"Cool, yeah that sounds like a plan."
"Alright, I'll drive the both of you to my house. Are you both ready?"
"Yeah." Cat says, and Jasper nods.
We all pile into my car, and I drive us to my house, while listening to Twenty One Pilots.

It Was Him From The BeginningTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon