Chapter 1: Weakness

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Matthew looked up at the imposing door to his home, how was he gonna tell Al...he took a deep breath and walked inside to see the living room, it was a basic room, had a 3 seat brown couch, a coffee table that was currently covered in wrappers, and a TV. On the couch was his older brother Alfred Jones, well, half brother anyways, he had short, straight blonde hair with one cowlick sticking up. He normally wore silver wire glasses that covered bright blue eyes, and he was loud and happy, that is...until he got angry...he was a very emotional man and just one wrong thing resulted in him lashing out at Matthew. He knew the abuse was bad, but he got over his anger just as quickly and would cry and apologize so Matthew didn't have the heart to do that to his only he put up with it and just tried his best to be a good child.

He approached Alfred carefully and saw his eyes were closed, he was asleep...until he wasn't, his eyes opened and he smiled as he saw Matthew hovering over him "Mattie! Hey bro! Your home! So check it out, this lady on Judge Judy..." He listened attentively as he felt sad inside, he hated the idea of ruining his day... "Al" he interrupted his brother's story and turned to the side, he saw Al stare at him and he bit his lip. "Hey bro...what's wrong...?" he sighed and spoke "Well today in school some kid was shoving me into a locker and I...I'm sorry Al...I didn't mean to...I hit him, hard...and I was the one who got in I have detention..."

He was looking at Al and saw his lively blue eyes grow cold before filling with anger, he stood up and Matthew felt his body fill with fear, yet he still stood there since he knew running only made it worse. It happened in a flash, a stinging on his cheek, and then harder as a foot connected with his stomach and cracked his ribs, he doubled over, trying not to sob, then he heard a gasp above him, it was done. He looked up with tears streaming down his cheeks to see Alfred drop down to him and begin to cry as he pulled him close and hurt him even worse, he hugged his brother and whispered comforting, pained words that it would be ok, even though he didn't believe it himself.

He showed up to school the next day trying to walk normal and wearing concealer and blush, that was one of the things he was picked on for, looking gay, which he was, he even liked crossdressing! The one thing the kids never expected was that he was tough, chalk that up to years of hockey when he lived in Canada with his parents. He missed it, he had been happy there, he had friends and a boyfriend who he loved, his parents weren't abusive at all, and he had been popular, but then the accident happened... He was being driven to a hockey match and his parents were chattering excitedly about how he was going to win the championship, then there was a flashing light and a smash...

He woke up in the hospital with a broken arm, a broken leg, three broken ribs, and a concussion, but that wasn't even what hurt most, it was Alfred standing by the bed with tears in his eyes telling him that his parents were dead... He wasn't the same after that, he moved to America and stopped being the kind, confident soul he was, he became withdrawn, depressed, and antisocial, nobody seemed to like him at all...but he couldn't find it in himself to care...

He went through the first few classes and soon it was lunch time, he was walking to the library and not paying attention to anything when he bumped into someone. The person turned around and he saw a man with long blonde hair and a scruffy face, he had a cigarette in his hands and he was glaring at Matthew with blue eyes "Did you just bump into me and not apologize...?" he backed up and held his hands up in a non-threatening gesture. "I apologize deeply sir...p-please don't hurt me..." the man shook his head and spoke in his thick french accent "Non, you said that too late..." he saw the man's fist ball up and come flying at him as his eyes squeezed shut.

The punch never came, he hears a grunt of pain and his eyes opened to see a man standing behind the french man with an almost bored expression, though he couldn't tell from the shades covering his eyes. The french man was staring at him with shock which went back to a glare "Matt, ce que le baiser que tu fais?? Je dois enseigner ce morveux une leçon!! Laissez-moi vous aller putain connard!!" He flinched at the tone of voice, he sounded mad... "Um, excuse-" he stopped speaking as the glasses man spoke in a bored tone "Vous voulez calmer la baise vers le bas? Ou dois-je vous faire...? C'est ton choix...?"

The french man actually looked slightly scared then as the eerily calm words left the taller man's mouth "Eh bien, ne soyons pas si hostile ici! Toi, garçon, nous sommes amis non? Les amis se battent parfois, non? Cela ne signifie pas que je serais effectivement lui faire du mal, vous savez ce droit??" The french man was let go with a nod from the glasses man and he ran off, leaving Matthew alone with his savior "Um...thank y-" The man cut him off by pinning him to the wall and leaning very close to his face.

He smelled of muskiness and a tinge of something sweet...maple? Yes that is most definitely maple...Matthew looked up in fear as thoughts flew through his mind "Does he plan to take me as payment! Oh god..." His eyes closed fearfully as he braced his body for what was to come, but instead he heard a loud angry voice "Your a fucking idiot you know that!! He could have killed you, your supposed to fucking run dumbass!!" His eyes shot open and he saw that the glasses were off to show indigo eyes like his, but full of anger "Honestly! Did you not even think of that?? Even now, your just standing here! What if I actually did try to take advantage of you?? You have got to take it into your own hands to not let yourself be a pushover!!"

It was like a slap in the face as he heard the words, he was right...but... "My brother will be angry if I get into trouble..." he scoffed and rolled his eyes "What is he going to do, break your arm?" Matthew felt his eyes flicker and saw the man's eyes widen as he realized "You need to leave then, him, go somewhere, or your going to die someday..." He shook his head and frowned at the man "No, he is my brother, I refuse to just leave him, it would break his heart..."

The man sighed and shook his head "Your a fucking idiot Matthew...honestly...your too kind for your own good..." Matthew's head shot up in surprise as he took in the man, he had blondish hair put into a short ponytail, he was tall and broad, but not too muscular. He had a red and black plaid flannel that was rolled up to his elbows, and his jeans were worn and thick, covering his leather boots, he looked like home, Canada... "How do you know my name...?" He looked up with an impassive face as he spoke "I'm in your first period science class...I sit right beside you at the tables..."

Matthew blushed, embarrassed, he recognized him then "Your...Matt right?" He nodded and backed away from him, releasing him "Yeah, and I would like it if you learn to be strong, so I'm going to teach you, can't have you dying," he walked away then with a wave of his hand, and then he was gone, leaving Matthew very confused.

~Matt, what the fuck are you doing??
I have to teach that brat a lesson!!
Let me go fucking asshole!!

~You want to calm the fuck down? Or do I make you...? It's up to you...?

~Well, let's not be so hostile here! You, boy, we're friends right? Friends sometimes fight, right? This does not mean that I would actually hurt him, you know that right??

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