Chapter 2: Detention

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Matthew was beyond confused for the rest of the day, he didn't understand why Matt even cared about his safety. He had to face bigger problems by the end of the day though, namely the one called detention. He was standing in front of the black door, looking at it with fear, he hated detention. Every time he was there the teacher would leave with the orders to do work. Since he oozed weakness he was often targeted to do the bigger bullies work. He sighed and walked in, wishing he could skip but knowing that doing so would hurt him in the long run. He spotted all of the desks and the people that filled them, all hoodlums, except... "Matt?"

He saw a head rise and sure enough, there was Matt sitting in the back of the room. He blinked in surprise as Matt let a small smirk spread across his face and beckoned him over. He walked over to the desk beside him and sat down, then he felt a jerking motion and a squeak. He looked over and saw that Matt had dragged his desk right beside his own. He looked up in surprise and saw Matt gazing at him with those shades that seemed to hide every one of his emotions. He didn't know why it bothered him so much that Matt wore them, he has known him for only a few hours after all...

He discarded the thought, Matt had just become friends with him so he had no idea about anything to do with him. He looked down as a few sheets of paper was passed out to him containing slightly difficult math problems. He sighed, this will be a challenge to finish five of these... "Hey, why do you look like your going to a funeral?" Matthew looked up at Matt with confusion "What do you mean?" Matt poked his forehead with a finger And spoke "You look upset right now, why?" He blinked, he sounded bored but maybe he was actually.....concerned?

"Well...I-" he got cut off as Allen approached them with a smirk "Well well, look who showed up for once, if it isn't my dear Matt~ and he's sitting beside my little weakling why isn't this touching... So when did you two decide to fuck?" Matthew frowned and was about to speak when Matt interrupted. "We aren't fucking," Matthew sighed in relief until Matt spoke again "we are in a very serious committed relationship."

Matthew was speechless as Matt wrapped his arm around him and seemed to glare at Allen. Said redhead was staring at Matt as if he had grew wings and began to fly, Matthew was sure he had a similar expression. "Your fucking kidding right?" Matt shook his head and as much as Matthew wanted to speak and deny everything he was too shocked to do so. Allen seemed to come up with an idea then as a smirk spread across his face "If that is true then kiss him, right now, in front of all of us."

Matthew didn't have any time to say anything as his face was turned and Matt's lips met his own. It was very clumsy and oddly sweet, Matthew didn't even know why his own lips were moving, or why his hands were tangled in Matt's hair. It was over quickly and he looked at Matt with flushed cheeks, Matt seemed to be unfazed until Matthew noticed a faint blush on his cheeks. He turned to a freaked out Allen and frowned "Fucking happy?" Allen backed away and hightailed it to his group of friends. Matthew turned to Matt to say something but Matt shook his head and scrawled something on his paper, "Later."

It was an hour later that Matthew found himself in a truck beside Matt after Matt insisted on taking him home. "It makes the dating thing more believable so come on," he unfortunately agreed because he still needed to talk. "Are you going to tell me now?" Matt seemed to groan something about demanding brats and spoke "You need an excuse for us to be together a lot so I can make you stronger. This is also going to be told to your brother in a minute so that I'm allowed at your house often."

Matthew let out a cry and looked up at Matt with horror "No! I'm not like that! I can't do that again!" Matt looked over at him with a raised eyebrow "You weren't complaining earlier, if I recall correctly you actually kissed me back." Matthew flushed a deep red and glared "I did not you hoser!" Matthew then realized what he said and covered his mouth as Matt smiled genuinely. "I knew you had fire kid, keep it up," Matthew just stared at him in bewilderment, he didn't shout or get smiled... "Matt...?" Matt made a noise as if to say he was listening and Matthew sighed before speaking "I think your insane."

They showed up in front of an apartment complex and got out, Matthew kept glancing over at Matt with worry, was this really going to be ok...? As if he felt the stare, Matt looked over at Matthew with a raised brow "What's up?" Matthew looked down and sighed, despite the short time he knew Matt he trusted that he could tell him how he felt. "I'm worried that Alfie won't approve, or even believe us and that wouldn't be good..."

Matt sighed and stopped him by grabbing his arm, he turned back to look at him with wide eyes and Matt tugged him closer, into a small hug "Don't worry idiot, all you have to do is be cute and shy and not be freaked out by my teasing, I'll take care of the rest, ok?" Matthew looked up into those black shades and was surprised when they were lifted a small bit to show those eyes that currently held warmth and kindness.

"Trust in me Mattie, I will help you be strong, no matter what," Matthew felt warmth spread to his cheeks and a small smile reminiscent of his former one in Canada spread across his face "Ok Matt, I trust you." The glasses were once again lowered to cover up his eyes but a small smile lingered on his face as he let Matthew go and the two began to walk to the apartment.

Matthew opened the door and went inside, seeing the mess from yesterday still there, he blushed at the mess as Matt took in the room "Is your brother not here?" Matthew shook his head as he went to clean up the mess. "No, he gets home at five, take a seat anywhere and I'll start dinner," Matt sat down as Matthew went to the kitchen "This place is so small...I wonder what Matthew's room looks like...?"

He got up and walked to the hall, there were two doors, he picked the door on the right and opened it to a very neat and tidy room, it was clearly Matthew's since he didn't seem like one to make messes. He walked in and noticed that it was pretty bare, there were no posters on the wall, no books aside from school ones, and no pictures anywhere to indicate his past. It just seemed to be that, a place to sleep.

He walked to a nightstand and opened it up to see a little locked book that he assumed was a diary, and a picture, he picked up the picture and flipped it over to see a picture of a family at the beach. There was a man with long blonde hair and blue eyes with his arm around a woman with blonde hair and green eyes, they were smiling happily. Below them were two boys, one had short blonde hair and blue eyes with a happy grin.

They weren't what caught his attention though, no, it was the little boy with curly blonde hair and indigo eyes that stopped him in his tracks, the boy looked no older than eight and was wearing an adorably sweet smile on his face. He was pale and looked to be a bit sick, his smile though, and the happiness in his eyes, were perfect, he was..... "So happy...what happened...?"

"They died..." he turned around to see Matthew with a sad smile on his face "'s ok..." he walked to him and hugged him tightly, Matthew pressed his face into his chest and let the tears soak his shirt. "What's going on?" Matthew pulled away to see Alfred standing there, looking at Matt with a frown "I didn't know we were having guests over..." Matt smiled and chuckled "Sorry, let me introduce myself, my name is Matt Bonnefoy and I am your brother's boyfriend."

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