Why must these things happen to me?

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(Violet's P.O.V, yet again.)

I woke up, groaning at the pain I felt. I raised my hand to my chest, to find bandages. 'What the?' I looked down, and suddenly remembered everything that happened. I then felt someone's hand on my chin, pushing it up.

I was then face to face with Tobi, worry written all across his face.

"Hey, Tobi" I groaned. "How's life been?" I asked.

"Not well. Emmet's been calling you non-stop, and I'm sure they're close to finding us." He told me.

"What's so bad about that?" I asked, not seeing his point.

"Emmet. Overprotective? Will slit whoever did this to you's throat? Yeah, might just be because I don't want my new friends throats slit. He can have Nico and Grover, but not Conner or Travis." He explained.

"Oh. Okay. Where are we?" I asked looking around.

I wasn't in the forest. Nor the school Nor my house. I was in a house, but not my house. I was on a bed, in some room that looked as if it was an infirmary.

"We're in Percy's house. After a few minutes we got bored and decided to bring you here. One of their friend impaled you with a spear. It looked like it hurt." He explained.

"I now want to kill that friend. Will you help me?" I asked hopefully.

He shrugged. "I don't see why not. She impaled you, and almost killed us. Let's do it!!" He yelled.

"You'll have to wait for her to fully recover before you try to attack a huntress." Some new voice said, coming in.

It was just Percy. Thank God! I have this bad habit of throwing whatever I have in my hands at people I don't know. It's a bad habit. I know.

"Peeerrccyyy!" Tobi whined. "Why must you ruin our fuuunnnn??!!" He continued.

"It was already enough that she took a dagger to her leg, and got impaled. We don't need her to get even more damaged from trying to prank Thalia." He informed.

"But I'm BOOORRREEDD!!" I whined.

"I know, but we can't let you get damaged more than you already are." He tried reasoning with me.

"Pwease?" I pleaded with my puppy dog eyes.

"No is no. Why don't you understand that Violet?" He asked me.

"I usually never answered to anyone, so no is something new to me." I shrugged.

"Why didn't you answer to any one?'' He asked.

"Her parents were usually never at her house, so she usually did whatever and they didn't know." Tobi quickly cut me off.

I gave him a 'WTF' look, and he just signaled me to go with it. I huffed and crossed my arms, trying to get comfortable in the bed. Annabeth then walked in, trying to give a fake smile; but failing miserably.

"Please drop the nice act, and tell me what's wrong." I demanded.

She sighed and let her fake smile drop. She walked closer to the bed and held Percy's hand in her own.

"Good news and Bad news. Which one do you want?" She asked.


"You are stuck with the scar of the spear and the dagger; sorry about that; and.... youhavetocomewithustocamp!!" she blurted out.

"And what's the good news?" I asked.

She just looked surprised that I understood everything she said.

"Well, good news is that before you come with us, you'll be able to say good bye to your family." She answered.

I just looked at her. She wants me to leave my new family to go with some people that most probably only want me for my powers? Oh HELL NO!

"No." I said simply.

"You have to. You're not safe here." She tried to reason.

"I haven't been safe my whole life! You think I care?!" I yelled at her.

They just stayed quiet, most probably trying to understand why I yelled at them. I looked down, the tears threatining to spill.

"My parents abandoned me, not wanting me because I am a 'demon child'. They left me in the woods as a new born. Thankfully, an old couple found me and took me in. Unfortunately, some vampires caught scent of me when I was five and attacked. They both died." I felt burning in my throat.

"The vampires; which I later found out were Tobi's parents; drank me. They stopped when they saw that all of their scars were gone. They then kept me locked away in some cellar, giving me enough food and water to survive. In my time there I met Tobi and became friends with him."

"When they found out about our friendship I was eight, and they kicked me out. In my time alone I met a wolf I named Rex, who became my only friend. He would go into town and get me clothes and plush toys." I smiled at the memory. "He taught me how to hunt, fish, and how to ride him. Those were the good days."

They both looked at me horrified. My eyelids then started getting heavier, and the sleep in my eyes just wouldn't go away. I tried to fight it, but it didn't work and I fell into a deep sleep.


Yay, another chapter. At least you know more about her now.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2011 ⏰

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