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The day of examination is coming in fortnight's time. I study continually at night and didn't notice the time. It's thirty past twelve. I read and write from line to line.

I feel tired but I convince myself that there are only a few more books to go, then I can rest at ease.

At first, I didn't think that I could stay up knowing that my parents weren't home. But now, I feel a bit proud of myself.

Out of the blue, I hear a sound of knocking from the window. I thought it was just the wind, so I ignore it and refocus on my studies.

But then, it knocks again. I tremble with fear. The sound stops but later it knocks again, but even harder.

I brace myself and walk towards the sound. Peeking quietly through the window. The breeze that runs through my nape makes me shut the window immediately.

I run to my seat, trying to stay away from the window. I pack the books quickly and switch off the light.

Before I could switch the light, I suddenly fell down, as if something just bumped into me. I take a deep breath and try to get up slowly.

A second I try to stand, I abruptly feel like my knees are glued to the floor. This scary situation reminds me of the story that my mom once told me.

About the former residents who lived in the house eleven years ago. I were told that the house owner were burried alive somewhere underground. A very cliche story, indeed.

"Will that happen to me ?", I thought. Well, of course no. It'll make no sense anyway. I do nothing wrong.

After the following minute, I hear the sound again. The sound of someone knocking the window. It knocks neither once nor twice, but double and triple, faster and louder. The window could burst anytime.

I sweat rapidly. Feeling my blood running cold each and every minute. I gather my courage and run to the door. As soon as I get there, the knocks stop. Just when I thought everything is over, I hear some footsteps beyond the door. My heartbeat throbbing as fast as lightning.

I stop my action and walk backwards slowly. My butt fall on the floor. It hurts but I wouldn't care less.

I get up, jump to my bed and cover my whole-self with my pink fluffy blanket that my dad gave me. I roll my eyes around and shivers non-stop. The footsteps are getting louder and louder and ...

Creeeeeeeaaaaaakkkkkk . . . . .

I just realized that the sound of that bloody door is creepy as hell.

''Oh God why omg wth one sheep two sheeps tree sleep sleep sleep don't care don't look just slee-'' I started to mumble like a machine gun. My sweat covers the whole body. I feel like I just got out from a very disgusting bath.

Then, I hear whispers. Whispers of someone-something calling out my name.

''Alicia.. cia .. cia .. cia ..''

The voice echoed in my head repeatedly. I try to scream. Yes, I tried to. But not a sound coming out from me.

It was as if my voice were pulled by something and dissapeared. I went mute just like that. Without realizing, I keep scratching my left calf with the toes of my right leg. My left leg is surprisingly itchy. ''At a time like this ?'' I thought.

This ain't right. I slide my legs up to my chest slowly and hug them around with my hands. I caress the itchy calf and feel something slimy between my toes. Since it's really dark, I can't help but only sniff.

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