Let's play Tag!

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Guys, sorry that I didn't update in a while. I was on vacation and had some stuff to do. So, I got tagged by @littletinyorangedroid and it's a this or that thing.

1) Harry Potter or Twilight?
Harry Potter (I'm currently reading the 4th book)

2) long hair or short?

3) Dragonflies or ladybugs?

4) Ed Sheeran or Shawn Mendes?
Ed Sheeran (Sweeran!)

5) Black cat or white?
White (Dibbles!)

6) Water or fire?
Water could take out fire so .... Water!

7) Highway to hell or Staircase to Heaven?
Staircase to Heaven

I tag....
A_Blonde_Ambition , britneyfrancis, Swxftie89

I'm doing a request for a new book cover so PM me anything! Also, comment which song you want me to write about next! Bye bye! Have an AMAZING day!

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