Hes Immortal and So Is My Brother? So What Does That Make Me? Whats This About Love? Oh Boy!

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The wind howled outside of my window. Throwing It open. The cold air knocking my body heat down a few points. I couldn't fall asleep though. With the howling of the wind even louder it made it impossible. I threw my comforter off me, realizing I was tangled in it. It took me a while to untangle myself but I got out. I tugged myself over to the window not caring that the wind whipped across my face as I came closer to the window.

It took great force to get the window close but I managed. The howling of the wind grew fainter so it was easier to slip back into unconsciousness.

I was in a castle in a far of land. I didn't understand the voices coming from the other side of the door, they were talking in a tongue I did not recognize. I opened the door quietly as I heard the footsteps of the people walk down what I assume was a hall.

I almost trip when I tried stepping over the threshold. I look down at my foot. But it wasn't easy to see what was on it. My legs were covered in a flowing pink fabric. When I looked over the whole thing. I realized it was a dress. A dress that look century's old. Maybe dating back to the 17th century.

But that where I was. I remembered this dream. I had it often. I was in a place in England. The castles was the type you read about in fairytales. Of course I stopped believing in those by time I was five. Seeing that it was extremely silly, to think leprechauns roamed the nights and there were pots of gold over a rainbow, that never seems to quite end.

I made my way down the spiral staircase as I did so many time. The staircase lead to a room that was always locked. But yet opened for me. It was a dark place. Almost mysterious. I found the candle that was always located on the right table in the room. There was a match by it. I light the candle, making the room bright with a faint glow.

I made my way over to the door on the other side of the room. But like always when I touched the door knob the dream always ended. I never know what I dreamt to be in the room.

As my eyes flutter open. I could feel and see the sunlight peering into my bedroom through the curtains that covered my window. The sun felt warm against my body. I was still cold from last night.

I got out my bed and went to the bathroom that was at the end of the hall. I knocked twice to see if anyone was in there. There was no answer so I went in. Blake was probably in the kitchen or still sleeping. I looked over at the clock that was hanging over the radio. It was 6:35a.m I had about a hour to get ready for school.

I brushed my teeth and washed my face then jumped in the shower. I tend to take long shower. So it was best advised that I always went in early.

About half way trough the shower there was a knock on the door.

"who is it" I shouted over the water from the shower nuzzle hitting my skin and the bath floor.

"Hurry up in there" shouted my brother Blake. He's a senior(1 year older then me) in high school.

Besides having the same last name me and him are nothing alike. My hair was a deep brown while his is blonde(I got it from my mom he got it from dad). My eyes where a light blue while his were hazel. Lastly He's was really tall, 6 feet, and had muscles, while I am only 5'5 and was thin. Not like supermodel thin but the thin that had girls turning around and thinking "is she on a diet"

I turned of the shower. I grabbed my towel that I always left hanging on the rail across from the bath. I didn't step out the bathroom until the towel was wrapped tightly around me.

"Happy?" I muttered as I passed Blake and made my way to my room. I didn't hear his response ,which was probably so witty comeback, because I closed my door before he said anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2010 ⏰

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