Origins Part Two

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Hey guys! Welcome to another ladybug episode thing, I don't really have a name for them.

Yes I am doing part two first because I can.

And origins came in the wrong order so why can't I make my thing in the wrong order?

Okay to start things off, I love this episode, I seriously watched this episode so many times. Almost as many times as Dark Cupid.

I say that about every episode don't I?

This episode is sososososo adorable. I love the idea that Ladybug wasn't so confident at first and that she had self-doubts. And that all Adrien ever wanted was to go to school.

I've always noticed how it seems that Marinette really only has huge problems as Ladybug.

Yes, I can here you all thinking "Well, Adrien isn't a problem for Ladybug."

But truth be told, it kinda is because if Chat aka Adrien didn't have a thing for Ladybug he would probably have a thing for Marinette. As we saw in the umbrella scene (yes I will be raving about that later)

But that being said, Adrien only really has problems as Adrien.

Yes, I can still hear you all thinking "But Ladybug isn't a problem for Adrien."

If Marinette didn't have a thing for Adrien she would have a thing Chat because who wouldn't?

Just a heads up, I'm gonna be bouncing all over in this episode, and not really going in a specific order.

The thing about Chat leads me to my next point.

Can we just take a moment of silence and salute whoever made the scene where Ladybug saves Chat Noir.

When he is turned upside down and the first thing he has to say is, "Have I ever told you that you turn my world upside down?".

The first time I watched this episode, which actually hasn't that long ago. I think I was drinking something, Chat said the line, and I started choking on whatever I was drinking, because I remember falling on the floor of my room in a fit of laughter and coughing and my sister rushing in to see if I was okay.

And yes I am fine.

I know you all are thinking, "Why is that so funny?"

Once upon a time, me and my sister were watching some sort of Minecraft Diaries related youtube video and it was the scene where Garroth caught Aphmau after she fell from a tree. And the picture went black and white. The audio goes, "Are you and earthquake because you just rocked my world." Then the screen light up with gangster glasses on top of our favorite helmet head himself.

That line absolutley kills me.

Anyway back to the episode, the whole thing with Hawk Moth and Ladybug, like that was pretty awesome.

Then Chat Noir says something about whoever is under that mask, I love that girl.

Yes, we know thanks for letting us know like 8 years after we figured it all out.

Umm...what else...

Oh right, the thing with the police force.

Like seriously what did you think you were going to do there? You obvisouly need this superhero, because your gonna get destroyed.

And finally the crown jewel of this episode.

I bestow upon you my faithful readers, the best heart wrenching scene of all time.

The umbrella scene.

Even though this scene isn't really all that great in terms of dialogue, the one thing that I really love, is the music.

Oh I love the music.

I love all music that this show has.

If they make a sound track, which I would totally buy, I would die if they included

~Theme song
~Sing-a-long Theme song (yes they are two different themes)
~Umbrella Scene music
~Hawk Moth theme
~Akuma cleansing theme
~I dont know what to call this one, but it's the music when the night comes.
~I also want the part in the mime when the effiel tower lights up.
~and last but not least, the french theme song.
~and I lied one more thing, I want the transformation theme song

Okay, that's a long list.

But I want what I want.

So before I go, I just wanted to thank you guys for the amazing support you've given this book and I love each and everyone if you for all the reads you given me. I'm not a person who checks rankings, but when I see the view number continue to climb it just makes me smile.

And now, Ladies and Gentlemen that's what I call fangirl worthy.

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