Thank You

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*****************A/N ---So yeah I missed my Friday update for the last chapter and I've decided since I've been such a slacker I'd go ahead and give you guys two chapter today. Now you get two chapters, (and this news is going to be so bitter sweet...) but this second chapter is the end of this book. I had an idea for this book and the idea I had ended two chapters ago so, instead of trying to come up with another direction to go in I've come up with a great way to end the story. it is.***************

Her aunt walks up to him and gives him a hug before handing her mother's ashes to him. "I know how much you loved her, so you can have these." She glares back at Jade before leaving.

      Her worse nightmare has just come true, she is left alone with her scumbag father again. He reaches over grabbing her by the wrist and pulls her inside the house and upstairs. "I've heard what you've been up to lately. Now that you've got some experience I expect you to do better by me." Her father says as he drags her into the bedroom. He pulls her arm harder slinging her around and then pushing her onto the bed. She starts to tremble when a vision of Norman dances across her memory. He told her she was smart and beautiful and strong, she can do this, she doesn't have to let this happen to her. She doesn't need to give in to this torture. Her father has crawled over her and starts kissing her neck. She brings her knee up into his crotch and the man falls off of her holding his throbbing genitals. Jade jumps up quickly not giving him enough time to recover and gives him a kick to his ribs. Again and again she kicks him until finally he is gasping for air. She turns to run down the stairs, to run back to Norman and his loving touch. Her father manages to grab her ankle tripping her. She comes down hard on the floor smashing her face onto the hard wood. Blood is gushing from her face now as her father holds on tight to her ankle. She looks down still trying to get free and kicks him in the face with her other foot. His grip loosens and she scrambles to her feet but her father isn't far behind. He chases her down the stairs and ends up getting in front of her at some point blocking the front door. Jade turns and runs to the kitchen. She slides across the ceramic tile and crashes into the far wall knocking the breath out of her for a second. Her father pounces before she can recover and slams her down on the floor. She gasps again as the rest of her air has now been forced out of her by that slam. He is straddling her and pulling at her clothes as she fights him. "Stop fighting!" He growls out at her, "You know you want this, you love me and daddy loves you baby."

"I don't!" She screams back, "I hate you! And I'm not little anymore, you can't do this to me anymore." He looks at her and his jaw tenses up before the back of his hand lands on the side of her face. He reaches down now and pulls at the sweatpants she has on. He pulls on them, and they slide down her legs along with her panties. Jade reaches over her head and her hand bumps something, her head turns up to see the handle of a drawer. She reaches up grabbing it and it slides open falling to the floor narrowly missing her father's head and scattering the contents all over the kitchen floor. She notices one of those thugs is a knife, but it is just out of her grasp. After a few minutes of trying and her father on top of her too busy trying to gratify himself that he doesn't notice, she finally stretches her arm out far enough to reach it bit her fingers just bump it. She is able to move only a little bit before her father frees his hardened cock from his jeans and slams into her. While he is distracted defiling her she manages to get her fingers onto the handle, 'Just a little bit more,' she tells herself, 'Just a little more and you can end this for good.' She stretches even more and her fingers finally wrap around the handle of that knife. She picks it up and flips it so the blade is pointed down and plunges it into his shoulder. He stands up on his knees before falling backward off of her. "You little bitch! You're going to pay for that!" She crawls over to him and yanks the blade out of his shoulder and raises it again but before she can drop it back down into his chest he is up and he tackles her. His hand covers hers and he twists it turning the blade back on her. She brings her other hand up trying to hold him back. the knife inches closer to her face. The tip barely grazes her nose before she knees him again causing him to fall to the side. He drops the knife and it slides across the floor. Jade gets up onto her hands and knees now and frantically crawls after it, trying to get to it before he does. Her father wraps his arm around her waist and flips her over as he goes after that knife this time. He gets to it first this time and turns just as she moves forward to grab him. She feels a pain as her fingers rake across his face drawing some more blood. She now feels something trickling down her body and she looks down. That knife is sticking out of her stomach and her blood is flowing out onto the floor and mixing with his. She stares into his eyes as she pulls the knife out of her body and then she falls forward onto him. He rolls to the side and she misses him again. She gets up and turns around to meet his fist and then she falls back against the wall. Her vision is blurring from the blow and the blood loss but she is just able to make him out as he stands over her. He traces the tip of the blade up her bare leg as he kneels down. "You be a good girl and let daddy finish okay? It's very rude to interrupt someone like that."

     He points the knife at her face as he kneels down to finish what he started. She musters up enough strength to slap his hand away sending the blade flying across the room again. She kicks him in the knee this time and he falls to the floor again. She slowly crawls over to the knife and manages to get to it before he gets to her. She clutches it to her chest as he grabs her by the hair and flips her over. When he does she shoves that blade upward into his chest. He falls onto his back for the last time and Jade climbs on top of him. She yanks the knife out and then plunges it back into his chest. Once, twice, three times but she doesn't stop there. She stabs him over and over again until she is out of breath.

Long after he has stopped moving she finally stops, his blood is all over her and the floor and her father's chest is wide open. She falls to the floor beside him out of breath and clutches her still bleeding gut. She has lost so much blood and she is so woozy. She feels her mind begin to slip from reality just a little bit as she stares at the mass of bloody tissue that used to be her creep of a father. She sees his now flaccid cock flapping at her and rage fills her eyes again as she picks up that knife again and with one whack frees it from her father's lifeless body. She takes that thing that has terrorized her for so long and chops at it. It is in hundreds of tiny pieces when she finishes and she slides herself back away from his bloody body and leans against the wall, just staring at him, well what's left of him.

Norman paces back and forth in front of the window looking out every few minutes hoping to see Jade return. After a couple of hours he gives up and walks out jumping into his jeep. He has to find her. He can't just let her wander the streets in her state. She's clearly upset at the circumstance that transpired two days ago and he needs to be there for her. He drives up the street and sees the house where he found that bicycle a little over two months ago. He remembers Jade telling him her house was just up the street but he never thought to go there. He never thought it was this close actually. He slams on his brakes when he sees the front door wide open. Did she go in there? Why would she go back in that house after the way her mother treated her? Did she have some unresolved issues she needed to deal with in order for her to go in there? Norman couldn't for the life of him figure out why she would need to deal with anything, why she would feel the need to go in there. He puts the jeep in park and climbs out. He leaves it running because he is not about to let her stay in that house a second longer. Her mother is dead and she is free now. "Jade!" He calls out as he enters the house. There is complete silence and the house is dark and getting darker the lower that evening sun sets. "Jade, are you in here? Where are you?" His questions are only met by eerie silence. He finally hears something and he leans forward to try and hear it better. It turns out to be her gurgling his name. "Norman." He runs toward the kitchen where he thought it was coming from and skids to a halt when he sees all the blood. He is staring at the bloody heap in the middle of the floor and his heart is pounding. He feels a tear slip from his eyes as he mumbles her name. "Jade?" His hands start shaking and his legs feel weak as he stumbles. "Norman," she coughs, "Over here." He turns around and sees his green-eyed sweetheart leaning against the wall in a pool of her own blood and naked from the waist down. He falls to his knees and crawls over to her cradling her in his arms. Jade looks down at her bleeding gut. "Jade can you walk? We need to get you to a hospital." He looks at her as she is shaking her head. "Never mind, you don't have to walk." Norman stands up and slides his jacket off wrapping around her waist and picking her up in his arms. He walks her out to his jeep and lays her in the passenger seat before running around to the driver's side. As soon as he is in his seat Jade crawls over and lays her head in his lap. "It's over Norman, I'm free." She whispers as Norman brushes her hair out of her face and shakes his head. "No, Jade. You can't leave me. Not like this, we still have so much we have to do together."

"Thank you," she whispers barely audible as her life is starting to fade.

"For what?" Norman asks, "I didn't do anything, I couldn't even keep you safe." A tear forms in his eye and runs down his cheek.

"You did everything for me. You taught me about love, real love. You opened my heart and made me feel something I thought I would never feel. Love. I love you Norman, you did that. Thank you." She pushes herself up and kisses him on the lips before resting her head on his shoulders and her hand on his chest. Norman lays his hand on hers and squeezes it as he puts his arm around her after slamming his jeep into drive and stomping on the gas. "Hold on baby, hold on. I'm not letting this happen, you're going to be happy for a long, long time. With me. I love you." He barrels down the road as he utters those words again, "I love you." He hears her gasp and then her hand falls from his and lands in his lap. Tears are flowing down his cheeks in rivers as he slams on the brakes and pulls over to the side of the road. He picks her up and cradles her in his arms, she is so cold. He rocks her in his arms and cries for his lost love. "Jade," he whispers again, "I love you."

Jaded (A Norman Reedus fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now