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*Anthony's POV*

When Maria rushed out of the AVR, I followed her. I searched for her around the school and I finally found her in the CR, vomitting.

"Maria, are you ok?"

"Yeah, I;m just ok, I just feel a little sick."

"Why, what did you eat for breakfast."

"Nothing, this is just nothing. Don't mind me."

She was so pale, whiter than the marble floor of the CR. Her lips were white and she was shaking. After a while, she told me to get her bag in her carrel. I got it and I gave it to her. She told me to go out of the cubicle and I went out. After a while, she went out and showed me a pregnany test.

"What's this Maria?"

"I have something to tell you Anthony."

"What is it Maria."

"Remember the time that we partied and we had a one-night stand."

"Yes, I remember everything."

"Well, I'm pregnant."

"Wait, what?"

"Yes, and it's your child."

I sat on the floor and I felt somehow shocked. It was such a big surprise. We were getting married and she was pregnant. And I was the father.

*Maria's POV*

I was so weak from vomiting over and over again. Anthony got worried that our child might be harmed of what was happening to me. He told me to relax and he called Felicity, a close friend of ours.

"Oh my gosh Maria, what happened?"

"Ahh, I feel weak."

"Maria, we have to bring you to a hospital."

"Yes Maria, Felicity's right. We have to bring you to a hospital now."

"No I'm just ok."

I noticed some blood on the floor. I didn't have a wound or anything.

"Maria, is that blood I see."

"Aaahhh, yes"

"Maria, it's from you. You're bleeding Maria!"

I touched where the blood came from. I saw the blood in my hands and I screamed. Anthony carried me and brought me to his car. I felt so weak and I silently prayed to God that my soon-to-be child would be just ok. After a while, I lost my conciousness.

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