Last Chapter

148 16 46

For art, this was the cover of Falling Rain
But, I've developed a plot and it has changed (if this doesn't show I'm sorrY)
So, because this is the last chapter, a few things about the artist (aka me):

I'm scared of furries. No, I won't start telling you to go kill yourself if you're one, it's just I'm really scared of them.

I'm a fan of fanart, it is always welcomed and I will hug you if you make a piece for mee

I love comic characters! Marvel and DC characters are perf, though my favorites would have to be Hawkgirl and Flash

I forgot where I was going with this . . .

Well, some info I guess

I might be going to Colorado after 4th of July! So, if you live there, awesome!

Now, finally, what I have been waiting for

Contest time.

This contest is based upon both written and drawn, but drawing is not necessary
You will write . . . About . . .
*cough* I should've thought this througH
Okay, let's not panic. You will write about..
Meeting my characters, yes! My improvisation is on point, I know, thank you
So, uhh, prizes, right

Honorable Mentions: Traditional request with one character, headshot, drawn and shaded but not colored
3rd place: Traditional request with up to two characters, half body, colored to the best of my abilities
2nd place: Traditional request with up to three characters, full body, colored to the best of my abilities
1st place: Digital request, three characters (or less), full body, background, drawn and colored (meaning I won't slack off and will put in extra effort) to the best of my abilities

The contest will be based upon the story, mainly on creativity

35+ for creativity
5+ for length
5+ for grammar
10+ for drawing

It adds up to 55 points, but 45 if you don't decide to draw something
Now, I want people to have fun with this! Please tag people who would be interested, I don't want this to be a small little thing, so that I can judge fairly!
Please join, this is my second contest I've hosted, and let's just say the first one bombed. If you've any questions, pm me!
My characters include:
Rain, Mirage, Cormorant, Soleil, Nightingale, and Labyrinth.

Have fun with this, I'll post updates in my next art book!


*whisper* Please join 0-o

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