Chapter 1

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I threw another one of my t-shirts into my suit case before zipping it closed. I yanked it from my bed and hid it in my closet. I was finished packing up my stuff for later tonight, when I leave.

I sighed plopping down onto my bed, my hair splayed out behind my head. I was beyond nervous that I wouldn't pull this off, that I would get caught or maybe I wouldn't find Calum. I didn't know where he is but if the lord is listening, hopefully my prayers will be answered.

I was awaiting midnight, when my disgrace of a mother would be knocked out on the couch and I can successfully escape this town. My heart pounded with each second that passed, my pupils dilated as I watched the sun disappear and the moon ascend into the sky.

By the time midnight rolled around, my eyelids were heavy with exhaustion and the sky was dark accept for the little stars that speckled it. I slowly got up from my bed and tip toed to my closet, careful not to make the hardwood floors creak.

I grabbed my suitcase that was overpacked with clothing, necessities and money I stole from my mother, she would only spend it on more alcohol so I think I'm doing her a favor.

I placed my train and plane ticket in the front zipper pocket so they'd be safe. Quietly, I walked downstairs, I was relieved to see, as predicted my mother passed out on the couch, a bottle of tequila in her hand. I released a breath I didn't realize was being held and gently placed a note I written, explaining not to worry that I am safer now than I was in her care, on her stomach.

I opened the front door, uttering a whispered 'goodbye' before pulling it closed behind me.  I inhaled the fresh outdoor air, I felt free and relieved, like a weight has been removed from my shoulders.

The mile walk to the train station was quiet and filled with admiration for the night. The faint breeze of crisp air that slightly pushed the trees and the moon floating over me is what made me feel safe.

Upon my arrival at the train station, I was alone, slightly scared, I mean I was leaving my home to go find a boy, my best friend that I haven't heard from in five years. I don't even know if he will remember me.

I purchased a small bag of chips and a bottle of purified water before boarding the train. When I took my seat after the conductor punched my ticket, my shaking stopped and I relaxed a little, trying to take my mind off of what I was doing and where I would be tomorrow.

The train began to move, I noticed not many people were on the train, most were asleep. I leaned my head against the window, letting sleep take over my body.

I awoke later that night when the train jolted to a stop. Standing up, grabbing my suitcase from overhead I exited the train. It was about two in the morning now, I chose not to check my phone in case my mother had found me not in my room.

Walking yet another mile to the airport I watched the planes take off in to the air and some came landing on their final destination. I entered the airport, going through security where there was a slight problem due to my belt.

I waited by the gate for my plane, leg shaking and my foot tapping the ground. I exhaled quite loudly, drawing the attention of an old lady next to me. "Why are you nervous sweetie?" She asked, twisting her body to face me. "I don't feel like I should put my problems onto your shoulders" I replied, scratching my knee. "Oh well, if you are worried maybe I can bring you some mental calmness" she said in a sweet voice.

Suddenly, they announced my plane number and that passengers can begin boarding. "That's what I am planning to find" I stated, getting up and heading to my plane.

I took my assigned seat and closed my eyes, trying to feel the freedom of being eighteen and not being tied down. The plane soon lifted from the ground and that's exactly what freedom felt like, it felt like flying.

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