She Who Gave Up on Me

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I noticed you're sadness on a festive day
and then I was attracted that I had to say
by the you, who you are, the one I know
she who I'd plan, promised, loved and so

we had a couple months of attraction and then love
we wanted to do all adventure, create art and above
and after a pent months we shared something intimate
something given to one you loved, it is innate

we continued this intimacy, this trust and faith
I'd comfort you too often, as you cried, smiled and bathe
but in secret you tired off me as I blindly loved for sure
my indecisive, unsatisfactory, hopeless future that wasn't secure

I carried this on, adjusting, changing, becoming
but it was never enough as you grew impatient and beckoning
yet you lied to both me and to yourself for I was sweet
yet after some thought you saw that as a mere treat

you flew off to work with this knowledge realizing
that I was nothing but a pest to your life sympathizing
with those you deemed worthless and unfavorable to you
because despite all my love, efforts, sacrifices, trust, faith and so on, I still had no clue

and on one day as I returned from a gleeful sleepless night
you called me for once and my excitement turned out to be fright
as you discarded off me intoxicated, otherwise indecisive
and I cried till I no longer had voice, tears, or air inside me

I ask myself how 2 years to be wrought to naught
despite all those times and how hard I fought
I was always there to comfort her when she was devastated
now who's here to comfort now that I am devastated

I have every right to hate, despise and disgust you
yet my anger doesn't waver, I will not be cast into blue
I will never forgive and never forget
but what is that worth if nothing is what I will get

I leave whatever remains to you to decide
I will not pursue someone whose secretly deprived
someone who's quick to forget and decide
of all that I've done just to live by her side...

I leave this message for you to digest
I hope you live your future at its best
maybe someday all ill feelings will be gone
but right now I will be gone
you made me feel as the lowest of the low
your leaving was the lowest of blows
I'll never see you the same, never again
I may never see as well but what's there to gain
by she who gave up on me
despite on me never giving up on you


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2016 ⏰

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