Mango Otters

24 1 3

So @boxofwonder tagged me. WHYYYYY...

1. You have to write all the rules.
2. You must answer all 13 questions, and make 13 more questions. (For the people you tag)
3. You have seven days to complete this. Once completed, you must tag 13 people. (You can tag the person that tagged you back.)
4. You have to give this a creative title.
5. You have to say who tagged


Sparti's questions:

1. How did you hear about Wattpad?

I actually found it on my own as I tried to find a way to read Warriors without buying the books.

2. What is your spirit animal?

A swan.

3.Have you ever had detention? If so, what for?

I have been in detention so many times I was a regular in the vice principal's office. I would be greeted: " *sigh* What did you do now?" My answer: "What didn't I do?" It would usually be either homework or me taking the blame for everything my friends and I do.

4. Do you like sushi/fish?


5. What was/is your favorite childhood toy?

*Hides under bed* I had, and.. yes.. I still do, have a teddy bear that was given to me as an infant of a week old. DONT JUDGE MEH. *Clutches bear and shuffles into the darkness*

6. If you had a super power, what would it be?

I would be a animorph BABY! Reason? I could fly, swim better then I could rn, Echolocation, Ect.

7. How many members are in your family? (You can count pets)

Well, I have a mom. A dad. Four sisters, one brother, two cousins that live with us, three dogs, four turtles, two fancy goldfish, four lizards, and a praying mantis. So... 23. That live in the damn same house.

8. What time do you wake up and go to sleep at?

It depends.. But I usually fall asleep around 10:00-12:00 and wake up at 6:00-10:00. (Pacific time)

9. What is your favorite animated movie?

Ugggh I can't choose..

10. If you had any hair color, what would it be?

Mint-sky blue

11. If you were to describe yourself in one word, what would it be?


12. What kind of soap do you use? (Bar soap, pump. Ect)

I HATE bar soap. It doesn't like meh -~- I stick with pump, it's simpler.

13. Do you have any special jewelry you would like to keep sacred?

There is one bracelet that I got from my best friend when she left to Colorado and I never got to see her again..


My questions:

1. What do you do outside of Wattpad?

2. If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

3. Favorite creepy pasta?

4. Do you like anime?

5. Ever heard of the Broadway Hamilton? If so, what's the best song (according to you)?

6. How many pets have you ever had?

7. Spotted socks or striped socks?

8. What kind of person are you?

9. Would you vote for Trump?

10. What type of music do you listen to?

11. When someone tells you to fuck off, what is your response?

12. Have you ever slapped someone?

13. Favorite YouTuber?


I tag..
boxofwonder (payback >:3)

Sorry peeple..

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