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Monè we won 7-2 :)

Haray we know...

Daddy he has to keep his gf updated

Baezinga yeah and Simon scored from half line

Jay that's great

KSI YES did u win?

Jay um... Yeah I think

Jay 6-4 I think

Black Goalie u think...?

Monè r u drunk?

Jay ha no

Jay I'm in the hospital :/

Helmet Boy omg... I'm sorry

Jay nah it's cool

Jay the other chick got a broken arm and I got a sprained knee

Baezinga htf do u sprain a knee

Jay by being me

Jay now go celebrate boys!!

Private Message from Monè

Monè I guess u did something crazy

Jay haha I'll always get hurt for u ;)

Monè thx babe

Monè I'll always win for u

Jay ha u had a team with u too

Jay now go celebrate and quit texting me



It's 1:30 in the morning but I can still update. :)

I actually did hurt my knee four days before state championship for soccer. I didn't sprain it, because the doctors didn't know what was wrong, so I didn't get to play in any of the games that much. At most for five minutes... But we got third. I still can't really run. :'(

Are you right or left footed?

I'm a leftie :)

Hope you guys are enjoying this story.

Aspen :)

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