Chapter Six // Part of the Family

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The car ride home was fairly quiet until I Write Sins came on the radio.

Both Patrick and I started singing along however halfway through I realised that Patrick could sing and I sounded like a dying cat, I hoped he hadn't noticed but I was still embarrassed. I quieted down and just took in his beautiful singing.

When the song finished he turned and smiled at me.

"Why'd you stop singing?" He asked.

"Because you're voice is like an Angels whereas mines more like a dying cat." I replied rather sarcastically.

"Hey, that's not true."

"It's real and it doesn't matter." I laughed trying to impersonate Brendon for the drunk history video.

Patrick looked extremely confused so I decided to jog his memory.

"It's from the drunk history did. When Brendon's talking about Evening out with your Girlfriend."

"Ohhh, I knew that...obviously." He chuckled.

"Of course you did." I joked.

When we got home Patrick told me Joe and Andy would be round soon and that they were staying for dinner. He told me that it wouldn't be anything fancy but I decided to get changed anyway as I wanted to make a good first impression.

I decked to wear my new black jeans with my new white shirt and a black jumper I've had for ages. I also put on my new doc martins cause why the hell not.

I caught a quick glance at my hair in the mirror and decided I had to do something about it. It had started off straight but now looked like a tangled birds nest.

After I'd got all the knots out I straightened it until there were no more waves and heading downstairs where Patrick was watching Tv.

I'd been thinking while I got changed whether I should call Patrick dad yet or not. Was he truly ready to be a dad? Was I truly ready to have a dad? What if I do something wrong and he sends me back? I don't want to get "attached".

"You look nice." Patrick complemented, dragging me away from my thoughts.

It was now or never.

"Thanks dad." I responded with a huge smile.

He looked slightly taken back at first but quickly got up and hugged me.

"My little girl." He spoke quietly while I hugged him tightly.

Soon the doorbell rang causing us to break the hug.

"You ready?" Dad asked as he walked over to the door.

"I think so. But what if they don't like me?" I fretted.

"This is Joe and Andy, they're the most excepting, kindness guys I know. Don't worry." He reassured me as he opened the door.

"Hey guys, come in." Dad smiled at the slightly taller men at the door.

"Hey how's it going?" Joe asked cheerily.

"Great thanks how are things with you?" Dad responded politely.

"Everything's good thanks." Andy spoke up, "but where's Sam?"

"Oh yeah where's the new stumpling?" Joe asked happily.

"She's in the lounge come on in guys." Dad smiled leading them into the lounge.

I'd been listening through the door. Not in a creepy way I just wanted to check that they were actually really friendly and they weren't just pretending when they were on show to the public.

When I headed them coming I quickly dived into the sofa and sat as casually as possible.

When the door opened my heart rate went literally sky high. I was so so nervous but I didn't know why.

"Hey, it's Sam isn't it." Joe grinned as he entered the room.

"That's me." I smiled back standing up and going to give Joe and hug.

"It's lovely to meet you." Andy said rather shyly.

"Well it's an honour to meet you." I replied giving him a hug to, I felt protected for the few seconds he hugged me. Not that I didn't feel safe before I just felt like nothing could hurt me.

I'm surprised how confident I was, I've never been this good at meeting new people. But for some reason today I was pretty good at it. Well, I felt like I already knew them so well. I'd idolised them for so long.

"I'm going to order pizza." Dad announced suddenly, "how's one pepperoni and one vegan veggie?" (Idek)

"Sounds good." Joe replied quickly.

"Why don't you get to know each other while I'm gone." Dad suggested as he headed out of the room to make the call.

"So Sam, how old are you?" Joe asked.

"I'm 16 but I'll be 17 in a week. You're both 23 right?"

"Yup." Joe smiled.

(Btw, Patrick's 24, Pete's 22 and Joe and Andy are obviously 23! Ik these aren't their real ages but this isn't real so...yeah (:)

We continued to ask each other questions. In this time I'd noticed how quiet Andy really is. He always pretty quiet in interviews but I didn't realise how little he actually said. I felt kinda sorry for him, I don't know why, it's his choice but I just felt like I wanted to tell his it was okay, that he could speak. That I wouldn't judge him.

Getting to know them both was so nice though, they're both so down to earth.

Dad came back fairly quickly but I'd gotten to know quite a bit about Joe, less so about Andy. But I was determined to get to know him more.

Dad sat next to Joe and they started talking about something that neither Andy nor I really knew anything about. I decided now was my chance to talk to him. He seemed like a lovely guy so I went and sat next to him.

"Hey." I smiled.

"Hi." He replied quietly.

"How are you?"

"I'm good thanks, how are you?"

"Great actually." I smiled.

We continued talking and he actually seemed to be a lot more comfortable as time went on. I'd gotten to know more about him and his passion for drums. He'd also become less shy around me while I was happy about. We maintained a good conversation, which was something I hadn't do for a long time.

Soon the doorbell rang signalling pizza had arrived.

Andy and I, however, continued our conversation.

"So, what music do you like?" He asked.

"Well, my favourite bands are Fob, tøp, P!atd and Mcr. So mainly pop-punk, pop-rock type stuff." I smiled.

"Cool!" He grinned.

"You're getting along well." Dad pointed out when he re-entered the room with the two pizzas.

"Yeah! Andy's really great." I smiled at him.

"You're not to bad yourself." Andy chuckled, ruffling my hair.

I felt like part of a family. My dreams were becoming my reality.


A/N: i'm rereading this and i've realised how awful my grammar is at some points, i tend to type fast so sometimes i miss letters and my autocorrect changes the word without me realising! sorry if you have to correct/make up what i'm trying to say at some points, i'll go through it one day and correct parts but rn ive gotta publish part 10 which is what i'm working on now :))

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