Idek - wrote by @xhttpbonniex

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amy was sat in her room listening to her favourite music, while texting Arun of course. She began to get a little flirty with him and Arun played along as he knew deep down he liked her. They arranged to meet by the school gate on the first induction day at high school. Amy got there early and began to ponder. She wondered how tall he said he was and how different he might look like in person. She waited by the gate with Abi, her best friend. They talked about Arun alot and Abi generally teased her about him, Amy got quite arrogant about the topic which gave away her love for him. Abi knew it all along and wanted to tell Arun so badly, as Amy wanted a relationship.

At around 9:20 Arun arrived at the high school gate and greeted Amy like a gentleman. She was secretly happy inside but remained at a neutral state. Arun gave off a good vibe which Amy liked.

"Hey Amy follow me" he said as he grabbed her hand lightly while he tugged her along

"shit" she whispered to herself as she tried to hide her flushed face. Arun pulled her behind a bush just outside of the school.

"Okay here goes" he begins

"Right okay this may sound weird but, after we met online... I think i like y-" Amy cut him off

"-R-really??" she whispered excitedly.
"Ah, yep" he said, confused whether to be excited or sad.

"Well" she said
"I like you too" she continued, raising her voice a little.

They closed the little gap between them with rhythmic movements, nearly being copycats.

The bell went after a good few minutes. They held hands on the way to school and finally broke apart and bid their goodbyes and headed off to their separate forms.

_to be continued_

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2016 ⏰

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