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Did you ever feel like, you hate the person but you need love the person cause you need to.

I know it sounds complicated but I don't know it's hard to explain.

Being a nerd is a complicated thing, people bully you. Jocks, popular peoples and many more.

But what if your bestfriend told you to date the the person you hate the most and after 2 months you need to break the heart of the person.

How can I even date the person if I hate the person. You know there's a saying that "the more you hate, the more you love" I don't believe in that it's imposible.

But in love anything is posible. Loving someone is like giving your all. Loving someone is accepting the person's true self. Loving someone just because they're beautiful is not true love, well it's love but it's not enough.

So being in love is one of the most beautiful feeling in the world. So don't miss the opportunity of being inlove, you don't know if you will still find the one.

So for me, thats the reason why im going to accept the dare. What if the person is the one? We never know.

Let's see what will happen.

Will I break the cassanova's heart?

Will I fall inlove?

Too many questions in my head thats needed to be answer. But only one thing is important.

To break the cassanova's heart

So this is the introduction not the chaptet one. I'm going to update once or twice a week. I'm a busy person I have classes for 10 hours a day so sorry for slow UD

Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow me and follow also my personal account see it in the description box. Love lots ❤❤❤

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