Chapter 1- England

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Today was the 4th of July. The day England loathed. It was the day he lost America, the nation he loved. He wished he could be closer to America again. But mainly, he wished America would feel the same as he did. He didn't understand why America wanted independence, but after that he would always remember he pushed him away. Although he didn't. He always thought he messed up at raising him, he hated himself for it. But he was always proud of him, being able to be independent for so long. He loved America, and he had been planing to regain the bond they for so long now, but he was too afraid. How he longed for America to hold him in his arms and tell him he loves him. What England would give to hear him say that, even if it is just once. He wanted America to feel the same way about him, so that they could be happy, together. But that would never happen, England thought sorrowfully to himself, he's too good for me.

England set out of his house, heading for America's. He picked up the small gift he left beside his bed. He was going to find out why he left. When he was walking with hesitance in his step, he was still scared Alfred would laugh at him if he tells him how he feels. He wanted to tell America how much he loved him and that he wanted to be in a relationship with him, but he was too scared. He had become so accustomed to being closed off he was afraid of his feelings. When he was near America's house, he heard laughing and music. America sounded to really enjoy himself. He doesn't Care. England thought, he loves being without me. England sat outside of Alfred's house, and began to sob, uncontrollably. America could never love him.

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