Higher Than The Empire State

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(I picture Logan Browning as Arabella Jones. There's a picture of her attached.)

"And it turns out she has a fucking husband. Fuck, it hurt when I found out. Like he ain't even that good looking."

"Harry you realize you're both technically the same person..."

"Yes, yes I know Cupcake." I took the blunt out of his hand and took another, long drag before blowing out the smoke, already feeling the toll of the drug. Ah how I loved it. "But the thing is, I'm much better looking than her Vanilla Boy, as she calls him. Like look at my fangs, they fucking sparkle! And my eyes are much prettier than his plain ass green ones. I mean I'm Chanel while he's fucking Walmart."

Cupcake started crying. Shit I made him cry. How do I handle this? I'm not the best with crying humans.

"Oh shit dude like I know you both look the same, Y'know since you're also a part of the Harry pack, but you're much better looking than him, too."

"Vamp, I'm not crying because of you, I'm crying because weed makes me emotional. It makes me think about shit. I hate it, yet I always do it."

"Bro," I said as a pang of hurt hit my cold, non-existent heart. "If it's any condolence, I appreciate you. Like ever since I ended up in Demon Harry's story and then found you, you've been my personal rant system. I don't know how the fuck you ended up here too. Like we lost you in Liza's story, but I'm fucking grateful for you, bro. I don't know if this is helping you and your feels bro, but you're a big part of my world." I started crying too as I took another drag from the cigar.

"Bro," Cupcake Harry said. "I appreciate you too."

"Really, bro?"

"Of course, bro." Cupcake Harry said as we both took yet another long ass drag.

We just sat there on the cold floor next to a trash can in a dark alley. Cupcake and I were getting higher than the Empire State while we sobbed. It felt good.

"You still thinking bout Natalie, bro?"

"Yeah." I let out a shaky sigh.

"Hey, don't think about her too much. You move on fast anyway. No need to worry."

"I guess that is true. After centuries of living on Earth I learnt to deal with it."

"With all the time you've been alive have you ever really been in love?" Cupcake asked. Shit things were getting deep.

"There was this one guy."


"Oh yeah didn't I mention. I'm bi." I said with a proud smile.

"I respect that bro. Continue your story."

"He was awesome. He was such a go getter. He always knew what to say to make me feel better when I felt blue. He was just a great guy." I gave Cupcake a lopsided smile.

"That sounds great. What was his name?"

"Christopher Columbus."

Cupcake started coughing loudly and dropped his blunt which rolled down to the sidewalk.

"Woah holy shit. Seriously."

"Yeah." I giggled at the boy. "We were perfect together until he fucking left me to go 'explore' the world and ended up 'discovering' America. I never heard from him after that. He broke my heart. Well not that I have a heart, but yeah."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2016 ⏰

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