#LoveIsLove #NoH8

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  Today marks year long equality. A year ago today, June 26, 2015, gay marriage was declared legal in all 50 American states. We did it guys. We made it. It can make me cry just thinking about how far we've gone and how far we will still trek for equality.

  Hello, my name is Sarah, and I am pansexual. I can fall in love with a person, regardless of gender and ethnic background and looks. Tall, short, fat, skinny, white, black, male, female, transgender, gender binary. Human. I fall in love with a person based on personality alone. Hearts not parts.

  I get hate for my sexuality. "You just made that up for attention", "So you're bi???", "There are only two genders, so you're bi." All of that rubbish. I'm not that kind of person to make up something for attention. Also, bisexuality is limited to sexual and emotional attraction to just two genders, male and female, while pansexuality is open to sexual and emotional attraction to anyone. And I might have different opinions than you, but I believe in more than two genders. I might get a lot of backlash from this, but I don't care what hate I get. I believe that if you're human, you have the entitlement to be called whatever pronouns you feel like you should be called. Now I'm not saying call yourself a dog or a cat or a pencil, I mean whether you want to be called male or female pronouns or both should be a choice up to you. Nobody else.

  And I'm not saying being pansexual is the most hated sexuality, or saying "boohoo I'm hated on and get the most trouble! Pity me!" Being gay or lesbian, being transgender, and even being bi gets grief too. Maybe even more than pansexuals. And I feel like it shouldn't be that way. We should all just get along. If you cut us, we bleed red. There is no special gold blood, or rainbow blood that makes us different from other humans. We all smile and sleep and wake up in the morning. We're all humans dammit. So why should any minority or community get so much grievance and hate more than the so called "normal people"???

  I don't know about you, but I believe in God. I am a Christian. I'm asked sometimes, "if you're Christian, why are you a part of the LGBT community?" And to that, I say: The bible is against gay relationships, but so is he against harming your body. Your body is a temple, don't ruin your temple. But you see Christians getting drunk and high, getting tattoos and piercings. So is the bible against stealing and committing adultery, yet you see Christian thieves and adulterers. Even though that doesn't make me less of a "sinner" in God's eyes, it sure does soften the blow of my crime right? I'm just loving someone. Why would that be a crime??

  And also, why would you even go based off of a book written millions and millions of years ago? It's the new Industrial Age, times have changed. There are a lot more things available to us now than there were back then. The rules have bent and moved and changed for humans, so who says the rules haven't changed for us.?

  I just woke up this morning and thought, "hey Sarah. You have a burning feeling to thank your beautiful community" so I ran my little ass to wattpad to publish this story. Recalling how far we've made it and how far we are ready to race towards equality and love. I would like to thank all of the members of the LGBTQIPA community and every straight ally that has supported us. We are all humans who eventually fall in love with humans (or no humans for those asexual members of the community XD.) So let's hold hands and smile to each other, because we are all in this together.

  ~Love, Sarah. The short girl who will fight the whole world for equality.

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