Chapter 12

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We said we'd meet Paige and Chase back at the hotel tomorrow, I needed to talk to Abriel. Not only to see what had happened to him while he was in hell and back here on earth.  But I wanted to hear his voice.. it was the most perfect music to my ears... the greatest sound.

We flew up to the top of a church, Kind of ironic to the fact that it was for God and at that moment that was the last thing I could, or wanted to think about..

" I dont know, how long we were stuck down there" he began, taking my hand. No longer looking at me but into the water below us...

" It felt longer than my own life has been because I couldn't catch a glimpse of you like I used to. I don't think you know how long I have loved you, how many secret glances I took to look at you in Heaven...but I did and from the first time your wings sprouted in the Secret Garden I have always loved you.

Down in hell, I was trapped, tormented and occasionally beaten. Being trappend physically but also mentally and I couldn't stop the tricks that would come into my head.

For the torment; sick, bloody images and visions would come into my mind, children stolen from their beds swapped with a changeling, groups of men and women murdered until the whole room was thick and flooded with blood.

But the worst.. t...t..the things Satan himself inflicted upon me were the worst. And always of you.

Most of the time it was you lying there, paler than you are now, no colour to you at all, blood flowing covering the floor, your hair and clothes. I would try to walk towards you but couldn't, I would scream, kick and fight until I bled but no good came of it so I watched as your blood grew into a river, flowing out the door. As I looked down I could see my hands covered in blood, covered in your blood and at my feet was a knife,, the knife that killed you. 

The knife that I used to kill you."

He was staring at me then, tears falling from his eyes. I was still holding his hand but he pulled away.

" No, Abriel. You didn't do that, you didn't even hurt me, my love. I am still here, still breathing."

" You don't want me, Eve. You shouldn't trust me" he muttered.

" How.. how can you say that Abriel, how can you think that I would leave you after 1000 years of not seeing you, 1000 years of not holding you, kissing you. I love you more than you will ever know and I will not lose you now!"

" I just can't hurt you Eve, I can't risk you being hurt by anything... let alone me. I have been shown to much, I was forced to see other things was this..

 It was beautiful at first.. we were dancing, the cherubs were singing and I was telling you how much you meant to me, how much I loved you. Then everything turned dark, blood was flowing towards us and it was no longer me kissing you, it was Satan. You hadn't realised until you went to speak and then you saw him. I shouted for you to fly but he'd already locked up your wings, I went towards you only to feel a sharp pain at my back. A few minutes after that all went black... then I would wake up. I shouldn't have even be able to sleep but he made me, he caused me to change... these would replay every minute of everyday and I couldn't stop them... I missed you so much then, knowing you could have been next door to me, not knowing whether you were alive or not."

I couldn't think of anything to say, I meant how could Satan have done that. Abriel had done no wrong, had he?

I couldn't think so, Abriel was too kind, too beautiful and mine... Ohh... that was probably it.                       Jealousy the worst feeling that led to anger, hate and possibly the most evil fate


I told him of what had happened to me then, how I had dreamt of Paige, talking to her through a dream, how we had met on a bridge and our friendshop, although not perfect, had grown over this short matter of days. He listened as I explained the deal with Lilith and what that would mean if we failed, him telling me I couldn't and wouldn't fail, I had other thoughts.

This lasted through out the night,us chatting of memories and the love we had not forgotten.

The last things I heard were the great clock ticking 2:00am

The last things I saw was Abriels dream, a happy one, of me....

and him muttering

" I love you" 

( sorry it has been so long since i last wrote but I am going to start updating daily if possible, thanks for reading.. Please vote and comment for any thoughts or ideas xxxxx xxxx )

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