Challenge #1 Entry

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March 2nd, T.A. 3019

I felt the tension in my hand. It was locked onto the balcony rail, just barely keeping me from falling. My heartbeat thumped erratically and my breathing also had yet to return to normal. I looked out unto the city of Edoras, beautifully calm under the starlit sky. The wind swept around, tossing my hair behind me. Why couldn't I enjoy the peaceful quiet of the night like I used to?

I turned and closed the doors, sealing off the balcony. If Uncle found out that I had opened those doors at nighttime in March he would no doubt give me a lecture. Personally, however, those chilly winds bothered me little.

I let myself fall back onto my bed, wondering why I couldn't be at peace. Ever since Theodred's death a few weeks ago I have been ill at ease - haunted by memories of him in the day and plagued by dark dreams of him at night. I only wished that I could reveal my grief to someone. However, Uncle Theoden is nearly always occupied with the preparations for the war now and I fear Eomer would laugh at me. It was silly, I know, but my feelings on this could not be changed.

When would this stop?

And then there was the note, pressed into my hand by a cloaked stranger as I walked through the streets of Edoras. It was a tiny piece of wrinkled paper, folded into quarters. When I saw the words inked on that piece of paper, I almost had a heart attack. Not simply because of that forbidden place, but also because those words were written in Theodred's hand. I was sure of it. The fact that he had already died...

Should I go there? Perhaps that is the only way to stop these nightmares. Perhaps that is the only way for me to move on.

I took a deep breath. War was coming; I did not have the time to spend days musing about such a simple decision. All right then. Tomorrow, I shall go there.


"Be careful, Eowyn. We are soon to be at war. You have spoken with the visitors, have you not?" Theoden said.

"I know, Uncle. This will be my final preparation," I replied.

Theoden sighed.

"Very well, do what you must. I only ask that you return safely."

"Of course."

Uncle Theoden was right. We were basically at war already. All around me soldiers amassed and the civilians prepared themselves as well. The food was stored and weapons were polished. How I wished that I could fight as well! Eomer and Theodred always used to tease me about wanting to fight. "One of these days you'll turn into a boy," they said. I missed those times.

What was this strange feeling? What were these tears that were trickling down my cheek? I hadn't even realized that I was crying. I was so little accommodated to displaying my sorrow. Yet now, my tears fell down in a steady stream. This was all too confusing. What was I crying for? The death of Theodred? The death of our childhood? Those who would inevitably perish in the coming battles? Or perhaps it was all of them. It was as if the death of Theodred triggered something deep inside me that reminded me that I was allowed to be human.

"People throughout all of history have looked to kings as heavenly beings. This I have never understood." Theodred turned to look at me, and I could see the bright smile on his face. "Are not kings men too? When I become king, that is the kind of ruler I wish to be. Someone who reminds the people of mankind's potential."

"You would be a great king, Theodred," I said, moving closer so I could take his hand in mine.

"I'm glad you think so, cousin." He chuckled. "Sometimes, I think you are the only one who can keep Eomer and me sane. You're a frighteningly strong woman, you know?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2016 ⏰

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