The Sleeping Curse

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Note: I write in Spanish. I made my best to translated it but it's not going to be perfect. It's so easy to read another language, but to write... not so much. You can ask anyone lol. But if you want to read the original in Spanish, it's on my profile. Thanks for being awesome and reading my story!

Once upon a time there was a king and a queen who lived happy in Ventralli. For a long time, they wanted to have an heir and finally born a beautiful girl. She had pink cheeks and the warmer eyes of all the kingdom.

Her parents decided to hold a celebration at the palace and invited all the kings of Primoria. All except the queen of Spring. The king didn't agree with some of her practices, as it was rumored that she used a strange dark magic.

That night, a masquerade was held and all Primoria gladly attended. They wore their best clothes and put on beautiful masks meticulously made in the kingdom for everyone.

They couldn't stop praising the beauty of the girl and one by one gave her gifts she would appreciate when she grew up. Winter gave her a sculpture of a snowflake; Cordell a painting of its lavender fields; and Yakim brought her a big book full of poetry.

Her parents were delighted with the generosity of the other kingdoms, because their gifts were worthy of being appreciated by all Ventrallan.

They were all very happy celebrating when the door of the palace opened abruptly and the queen of Spring entered the room. Her gaze was penetrating, she was completely enraged at not being invited. She approached to a stop just in front of the throne, next to the king and point to the girl, cursing her.

"When she turns sixteen, she will prick with a needle and fall into a deep sleep from which she wouldn't wake up."

And then she left before they could force her to reverse the course. They never even saw her leave the place, she disappeared like a cloud of dark smoke.

Horrified, the king eliminated every needle in the palace. All the clothes were made far away. If they needed mend something, they did it outside the palace. Maybe they lose time, but it was the only way to keep his child safe.

The princess grew up and rumors of her beauty expanded through all Primoria. She spent her days locked up in the palace, the only place they considered safe for her. Her voice was the most beautiful of Ventralli, singing was what she liked to do.

When her sixteenth birthday came, everyone were very cautious. They had an eye glued to the girl, guarding her day and night.

She was indecisive about what dress should use, as there were two that she loved. One was pink, with white embroidery and rhinestones. The other was light blue and highlighted her eyes. Finally she decided for the first one, combined with some beautiful shoes and an elegant mask.

The princess felt enclosed, stifled every day by the palace walls. She felt very lonely too, they wouldn't let her talk to anyone. However, she remained respectful and when it finally came the day of her freedom, she couldn't be happier.

The hours passed without incident and when the end of the day came, everyone sighed with relief, because nothing bad had happened. They decided to celebrate because their daughter had overcome the curse of the evil queen.

She said goodbye to her parents to go to her bedroom to rest, while the others celebrated the good news. Guards accompanied her as she walked through the halls she knew so well. But when the princess entered her room, this wasn't empty. An old woman was looking very fragile was making a mask, the most beautiful she had ever seen. It was a soft pink, with red stones embroidered on the edges that glistened in the candlelight.

Marveling with such a work of art, she approached as if hypnotized. The old woman asked her to try it on, she said it was a birthday gift and the princess couldn't refuse. But when she put it on her face, she felt a needle that had been caught in the mask, pricking her skin. Immediately, th young girl fell asleep and with her, the entire kingdom. Each person in the palace, all Ventralli was frozen in time.

A vine of thorns with the most beautiful flowers of Spring covered the palace entrance, sealing it forever. Many came from other kingdoms, trying to get through, but the branches were thick and seemed to have life of their own. They wouldn't let pass anyone. Everyone who tried, returned home wounded and tired.

Until the prince of Springreached Ventralli, betraying his own mother. He was tired of her wickedness, horrified by what she had done to the princess and to the whole kingdom. So many innocent people, he thought.

He should be the king, since his father had died, but the queen had taken over the whole kingdom of Spring with her dark magic. Still, his conduit was useful to him because the mysterious vines hugging the palace, came from Spring. With its help, he could return them to the ground, to their home so far away. Each flower closed in a cocoon, every thorn retracted and one by one the branches were sucked into the ground.

The young man walked into the palace and found the whole court sleeping. Some on the floor, others in their chairs. The king and queen were on their thrones, so beautifully adorned.

He tried to wake them up, but nothing worked. Then he went into the room of the princess. She was lying on her bed, sleeping peacefully. A rose lay between her fingers, frozen just like everyone else in Ventralli.

He approached her, admiring her beauty. This time the rumors were true. He had walked under her window once and had heard her sing. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever heard. A voice could only match such a gorgeous girl.

He took her hand and felt it really cold. He couldn't wake her and then, unable to resist, he kissed her very gently.

Her eyelashes, barely visible behind the beautiful mask, began to flutter, and very slowly, she opened her eyes. A huge smile spread across her face.

"You broke the curse," she whispered in amazement.

"I couldn't let you sleep forever, right?" the boy replied.

"You are the prince of Spring" the young girl understood. "You betrayed your mother... because of me?"

"Someone had to stop her," he replied with conviction.

And so they did. The prince claimed his place as the king of Spring and with the help of Ventralli, they defeated the evil queen. An alliance was forged, while the princess spent every day getting closer and closer to her rescuer.

Soon they held a big wedding and began their new life together, filled with songs and harmlessflowers.

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