Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


Ellas P.O.V

        The car ride there was long and quiet. I was so embarrassed at what happend.  I thought that i could be seductive and flirty... but I just proved that i totally can not flirt, atlas not with him. Goddess why does he have to be so gorgeous , his perfect face and body, and he has a soft side that  I know he doesn't show for any one else. I look at him, he is staring at the rode scared to look away as if he would miss something. I finally get the courage to talk to him "So where are we going on out fist date?" he looks way from the road for a second to look at me. "We are going some place very special to me and my family. I have been going to this place since I was born.  When i goy older I would come here to get away from things." I looked at him his hands held a stronger grip on the steering wheel and his face hardened.  "I can't wait to drive." to kill the silence that we have created for our selfs i turn on the radio and my favorite song comes on. I sing along to 7 years like my life depended on it.  What can i say love this song so much. "I have never herd someone sing this song like that before, god your full of surprises." Damon said scaring me out of my trance of the song. "What can i say i love this song so much. i can listen to it on repeat all day." he just chuckles and looks back at the road.

20 minutes later...

   We finally arive at our date spot. its a beautiful cabin house next to a lake with a medow and a forest surrounding it. "This place is beautiful, wow." I was to busy taking in all the scenery that I didn't notice Damon hugging me from behind. " ik so glad you like this place because this were our pups will spend there summers and where we will spend time when we need to get away possibly were we will have our moon wedding ( I totally just made that up but hey its my book)  were we will present ourselves to the moon goddess as one. " I turned around in his arms and summoned up all the courage that i could and jumped up wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him. I had no words to what he told me.  He kissed back almost immediately. Holding me as tight as he could, pressing me against him, molding out bodies as one.  The kiss was one of passion and lust. it wasn't hard or rough, it was delicate and sweet. He pulled away and looked at me with millions of emotions running through his eyes. He looked at me with such love and I knew in that moment that he would never hurt me ever word he would ever speak to me would be true. "Thank you" was all he said. "Why do you thank me?" "Because you are you and you are all mine. Now lets get this date started."

The date went great we were talking and making jokes. I felt so comfortable with him during the whole date. We were currently driving home. I could slowly feel my self drift off into a dream less sleep. Just knowing that he is right next to me gives me comfort.

hey guys new chapter. thank you all for reading and commenting and voting you have no idea how much  it means to me. I know that this chapter is way over due but i had school and regents that kept my schedule packed with studying but now i have summer break so i will be updating a lot more and i also got a laptop which makes it a whole lot easier to update. this chapter is unedited but i will worry about that later. thank you loves :) vote and comment please. when i ask you guys to comment I don't mean point out all my mistakes. The beginning of this chapter says unedited and i have now said it twice in this blurb. Ik just going to have to make it stand out more i guess.

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