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(Harry's P.O.V)

My heart stopped Liam got raped by mark, twice!

Liam looked scared half to death, I could tell mark told him not to tell anyone else cause he will kill him

"T-twice" I stuttered

"Yes once when I was 13 and another 14 both on my birthday" Liam had tears streaming down his face

Liam rubbed his back and lent his head on Liam's shoulder

"Really" Louis almost whispered

"Please don't tell anyone, I'm begging you" Liam wiped a tea away from his eye

I took a massive gulp trying to swallow a huge lump in my throat

"Your not the only one" I smiled tears building up in my eyes

"Pardon" Liam looked up, his eyes were bloodshot from his tears

"Your not the only one" I repeated wiping a tear away from my now stinging eyes

Liam stared straight into my eyes and I stared back both of us still shocked of each overs story

"Were..." I asked

"In town a building with could only be entered by a dark alle" I spoke calming down a bit

I heart sunk, I was raped in the same place, knowing Shannice probably the same

I could help my self but I ran into Liam giving him a hug.

To my surprise he hugged me back, both crying on each overs shoulder

The suddenly running foot prints came running round the corner

Me and Liam both pulled back before the funning figures got to us

"Harry, Louis guess what" I heard Zayn voice, it seemed so happy "what going on here" Zayn looked at Liam and Niall

He looked like he was gunna punch Liam but then realised Liam and I were both crying

"Harry, if this idiot hurt you, I swear I will kill him" Zayn voice was full of rage

"Don't, I'll... talk to you later just tell us the good news" I tried to protect Liam from Zayn, to be honest Zayn, well he won't even hurt a fly

"Mary's pregnant" he yelled his words filled with joy

"Congrats" I smiled running to hug him

"Thank you, but I don't think Mary's dad is very happy with it" the guilty ran all over his face

"Well anyway congrats" Louis smiled shaking Zayns hand

"Thanks" Zayn smiled

"Hope everything will work out" Liam and Niall both said in unison

"Thanks mate" Zayn shock the hands

"Do you know if it's a boy or a girl" Niall asked

"We're not sure but I think Pheonix for a girl and Greg for a boy" Zayn smiled, he's alway wanted to be a father

"Love the name Greg" Niall laughed

"Well I hope everything is healthy and they baby will be beautiful and fit in an active way trust me I'm not gunna have a crush on your child" I joked

"Harry, Liam's there" he whispered to me

"I know is that any problem" I question

"You pratticly just said your gay in front of him" Zayn carried on whispering

"Don't worry, he's gay with Niall" I whispered back

Zayn stared at me confused but then I guess he just carried on listening to the Liam's, Louis's and Niall's convocation

Then there was another pair of foot steps making there way down the hall

"Mary" Zayn yelled picking up Mary bridle style and kissing her head "I kinda told everyone sorry I was just so excited" Zayn giggled like a five year old

"Congrats Mary on your pregnancy" I smiled at her


Hope you enjoyed this chapter till now my little munchkins remember




Amberxx XD

Behind these sea green eyes ( a larry stylinson love story ) book oneWhere stories live. Discover now