Chapter 13

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Ethan's POV
We got bored of Mario cart, and now we're just chilled on the couch, well Grayson and I are but Gracie's on the floor. Don't ask me why I have no idea. She look so cute tho were out clothes.
"What's the Weather suppose to be like tomorrow?" Grayson asked looking away from his phone.

'I'll check" Gracie said.

"Why?" I asked looking at Grayson

"I think Jc and Kian are gonna come over and swim and make a video with us." Grayson said not taking looking up from his phone.

"Wait who?" Gracie said

"Our good friends Jc Caylen and Kian Lawley their you tubes too."  I said.
"Ohh gotcha," she said a funny way.
"It's suppose to be in the 80s tomorrow no rain, thank god!" She said putting her phone down.

"Sweeeeeeeeet I'll text them to come over when ever tomorrow" Grayson said still looking at his phone.

"What time so I know when to leave." Gracie said.
"Why would you leave?" Grayson said finally looking away from his phone and looking at Gracie

"Cause I don't wanna be an intruder while you hang out with your friends." Gracie said
How can someone be more polite than that. I just love it.

"Gracie we want you here, you can stay, plus we want them to met of bestfriend in the whole wild world!" Grayson Said getting off the couch and tickling her,

"OW Grayson stop!" She said. While laughing.
"My sides hurt!" She yelled.
"Say you'll stay and I'll stop." Grayson said. It was funny cause she was kicking him. I was taking a video on snapchat.

"O-okay, I-stay!!" She said, and with that Grayson stopped tickling her.
"Oh thank god" she said laying down spread out gasping for air cause she was laughing so hard.

We went upstairs and it was now dark. It stopped raining so we sat outside on the back patio and enjoyed the fresh air.
It's was only 8:26 pm.
"Why don't you call your friends and have them come and spend the night here and then we can do what ever tomorrow" Gracie's said.

"Hey that's a good idea, oh my god, you know what video I wanted to do for a while now" I said put my hands on my head.
"Oh boy what" Gracie said giving me a weird look.
"The rainbow milk Challange" I said looking at Grayson.

***Gracies POV***

"HELL NO" I said to Ethan, he thinks he's funny if I'm doing that Challange,
"You don't have to do it if you really don't want to, I'm not gonna make you" Ethan said.
"Good cause I really didn't want to, I'll help with the camera..... Stuff. I don't know what to call it," I said laughing cause I didn't know what to call it,

"Ok let me call them."Ethan said.

"Ok they shall be here in an hour."

"Sweet, let's go to the store and get the milk, and stuff." I said.
"Fun fact about me I love going to the stores at night" I said, Ethan had his arm around me and we walked to the car,
I sat in the front and Grayson was driving, the song "me too by Megan trainer came on and turned on that song so loud, I had my feet on the dash and was being a complete dork, I was singing to the boys,

Ethan was snap chatting me but I didn't care it was funny
"Who's that sexy thing I see over there? That's me" I sang and dancing in the car.
I sware Ethan had like 1 million videos of me on his story, it was so fun though,

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