Chapter 2

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        Good Day fellow emotional assholes, how's your day going?
Terrible you say?, Well I'm here to fuck it up some more with some reality crashing ass poems.


Have you ever felt unwanted or forgotten?

Of course you have....who hasn't.

When you have this feeling in your heart it starts to register to your mind, making you believe that you will always be an unwanted and  forgotten weird kid.

With this feeling and thought in your heart and mind

You start to depart from
( if you had any)
And people in general.

It's not the best thing to do but, it just happens.

You begin to self harm, whether it's for the attention or if you are really trying to end your suffering.

Most of all you start being a dickhead to the people who try to help you or even look your way.

( I'm a dickhead either way so ....🤷)

But eventually you will come around, most likely you will hate the fact that your lonely and want to talk to people Or someone will indeed hear your cry for help and come and rescue you.

But that's not always the case,
It honestly all depends on how you deal with these feelings in the first place.

Sorry, it's kinda shitty but I needed something to replace the cringe worthy shit that was there before 😊

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