First day of school

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Alice's POV
I arrived at school at exactly 7 in the morning.. Great, 1 hour before classes starts..
Since I don't know my class schedules yet, I decided to go to the school's office first.
I walked around the campus until I see the school's office.. I peeked thru the glass window and I saw a middle-aged lady sitting infront of her desk.. I knocked to the door before stepping inside the office.

"Goodmorning, I am Mrs. Georgia and how can I help you?" She asks

"I'm Alice Woods and I just transferred here.. Can I have my class schedules?" I asks

"Yes, sure." She said as she opens the drawers of her desk. She handed me a paper where the class schedules are written.

"Here you go Alice, goodluck on your first day." She smiles

"Thank you Mrs. Georgia.." I smiled back and exited her office.

I was reading the schedules while walking when I accidentally bumped a girl wearing a floral sweater and a white skirt. I made her drop the books she's carrying so I helped her pick them up.

"Alice?.." She asks
When I looked up, I saw my childhood bestfriend, Skye looking at me smiling.
"Skye?!" I ask surprised
"It's me Alice! God I missed you so much!" She said as she hugs me so tight.
"What are you doing here?" I continued picking her books up
"Duh? I can't live without you so I con-"
"Sorry." Was all I said to the guy
Skye and I decided to go to the school's parking lot to talk to each other.
"So.. What are you doing here?" I asked her again
"I can't live without my bestfriend so I convienced my mom to-"
"You convienced your mom to move here to Canada so that you can still see me?" I cut her off
"Not only to see you but to be with you!" She said smiling
"I love you so much Skye!" I said as I hug her so tight
"Your mom knows about this.. Didn't she tell you about this?"
She didn't say a word, she just laughed.
"So.. Maybe I'll see you later at break time? Classes will start in any minute"
"What time is it?" I ask
"7:50.. 10 minutes before classes starts"
"Oh.. Yeah, I'll see you later at break time." I said as I hug her one last time
"See you later Alice! Love ya!"
"Love you too!"

Cool.. Skye moved in to Canada with her mother just to be with me.. I'm so grateful to have a bestfriend like Skye, she's the type of friend who will do everything for us not to lose each other.. She's a great friend.
I saw Skye go to the Chemistry Lab.. I'm guessing that Chemistry is her first class.
Great, Calculus is my first class.. I love Math. I headed to my first class before the 8 am since I don't want to be late on my first day..

After my calculus class, I went straight to my next class which is History..

I sat beside a girl wearing a white dress. I kept staring at her because she's so beautiful.. She's not even wearing any make up! Gosh I look so ugly beside her.. Why!! Suddenly, she looked at me, smiling she said:
"Hii! You must be new here, I haven't seen you before.. Btw, I'm Jasmine"
"Hello haha,, my name is Alice.. And you're right.. I'm new here." I said nervously
"Aww don't be nervous sweetheart, i'm not going to eat you." She laughs
She seems nice.. More students started going inside the classroom and at exactly 8AM, the teacher finally arrived.. Nothing much happened in my calculus class.. The teacher just told us to answer the questions she's going to ask about Math.. She told us that she was just reviewing the lessons we have learned from the past school year..

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2016 ⏰

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