The Braid Pt. 2

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---Flashback(Adrien's P.O.V)---

"Girl you look so good in that!" Alya took enough photos of Marinette to fill up her phone's storage. I looked back and Marinette really did look beautiful. Her bangs were loose and two pieces of hair framed her face in the best way possible. Her braid was long enough to rest on her right shoulder. Alya really did a great job. What if Ladybug had that braid?

"Marinette, that hairstyle looks great on you," I said. A pink tint appeared across her face.

"Th-thanks Adrien. You look nice to-."

Marinette's beautiful hair was ruined. A thick, pink smoothie dripped down her face and into the braid. She hadn't move a muscle until Chloe finally said something.

"Ugh! That hairstyle was so ugly I almost barfed up my smoothie. You should be thanking me. Helloooooo?" I was fuming. I wanted to attack her with my baton and make her apologize. But, I can't. She was my first friend and I can't lose her. But, was our friendship really worth more than mine with Marinette? I guess I should rather say Chat and Marinette's relationship.

While I was internally screaming, Marinette hadn't moved a muscle. She had the same expression on her face. Her eyes were wide open and her face was flushed.

Everyone, besides Sabrina and I, was yelling at Chloe, even Kim. They knew that sweet, innocent Marinette didn't deserve this. Nino was trying to restrain Alya from clawing out Chloe's heart. Chloe was lucky the teacher was late.

I got a text message from Nathalie, telling me that I am excused from school and that I have to attend an emergency photo shoot. Apparently, the photographer woke up inspired today. I told Nino and Alya, who he was still holding, why I had to go and to tell Marinette that I'm sorry for leaving.

"Bye Adrikens!" Ugh...Chloe.

As I ran to the doorway, I looked back to see Marinette, still shocked. I had to go but I should visit her as Chat, just to see how she's doing.

I didn't hear what happened after I left until Alya called me later on.

(Alya's P.O.V.)

"Nino! Fucking let go of me and let me at her!" That bitch crossed the line. I wanted to kill her the second she stepped foot in Marinette's direction. I finally stopped fighting, seeing that Nino wasn't going to let go of me. It was probably for the best. I would've ended up in jail if he had.

I walked towards Marinette with Nino watching me like a hawk. I tried to break her out of whatever she was in, but it was useless.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!" With that, she shoved Marinette's shoulder. The moment they made contact, the Marinette I knew was gone. Her shocked expression was replaced with a fierce glare filled with rage, rage that was building up ever since Chloe first met Marinette. She grabbed Chloe's arm and flipped her over. Chloe landed on the ground and winced in pain. She looked back and was completely stunned by what Marinette did.

Everyone was dead silent. You could only hear Marinette breathing heavily. She let go of Chloe and her face became neutral. She walked away from the scene.

---Flashback Ends---

(Back to No One's P.O.V.)

"So then, I told the Principal what happened and called the Mayor, telling him what Chloe has done to everyone in the past year. Didn't want her to get into too much trouble. I guess that smoothie was my breaking point." Marinette thought that Chat was shocked by the story, considering she was "his princess" after all. He was actually more impressed by how she handled the situation after she "broke".

"So are you suspended?" He was close to finishing up the braid.

"Nope. But Chloe is going to be grounded for a long time. " Marinette thought that she was rambling and decided to end her story. "Long story short, I had a braid, it got ruined, and I wanted it back."

"And.....done!" Chat tied off the braid threw it over her shoulder.

Marinette went to the bathroom to see it and she was thrilled. She ran back to Chat and threw her arms around him. "Thank you so much kitty! It's purr-fect."

"Do I get a reward?" He had that same flirty smirk plastered on his face. She pushed him back and went to her desk looking for something. Marinette held up a black mask and went back to Chat.

"How about this?" He was ecstatic to see that she made him a mask. "Now you can give your kwami a break." He ran into the bathroom and released his transformation. While he was busy in the bathroom, Marinette picked up a pillow and placed it next to Tikki's bed, making a spot for his kwami. She didn't want the night to end.

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