Merome Pt.2 of 3

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Merome Started going to the sign in center For The Bacca Patrol Force.
He had Betty on his back sitting down inside the center...*STATIC*"MEROME,
MEROME COME TO THE FRONT WERE READY FOR U" The Speaker sure was loud...As I went into the room I had to get a Psyical Examination to make sure I was fit enough,Then as I started taking off cloths the doctor came into the room. He Started from my Bottom which was my feet,He said I  had soft feet...I Assumed that was a good thing, Then to my Junk he said it was surely above average about 15 inchs then he went for my heart beat which is faster than a Humans Heart beat so that was good,and lastly my head no infections anywhere he stated to me. I was fine and already to go so I put my cloths back on, By now I was at the Bridge of Success! so that meant I was Half-Way there so yeah me, "HeHe" Welp I am about to be Apart of The Bacca Patrol Force!
"I might ass we- " I Bumped into another Bacca, About my size but about 10 inches taller than me...
"Ummm, hi" He just stared me down then Finnaly he spoke in a deep manly voice "Hey kiddo What are YOU Doing here?" He asked with a straight face
"Ya see, I think I'm supposed to go in here,am Joining The Bacca Patrol Force, Umm Sir" He asks if I had taken the Pysical Examination and I answered bye nodding my head "yes" He let me in and straight away he notices The Diamond Axe I have en-carved with "Jerome" My Dad, his eyes widened in seeing he was talking to the  legendary Bacca,s son.
"Welp am guessing I Have to find the regersteration room an then I'll be set and ready for training...(Hopefully it's not TOOO baby-ish)
I went to the room and finished Regestering and now am in the rule room reading them ALL which took FOREVEERRRRRRRR
I really just wanted to go but if I did I might miss something major and be excpelled! so I MUST READ EVERYTHIIING!

1 Eternity Later

FINNALY...Done, Welp now I can go to the Training Area/Room And it's the OPPOSITE of what I was hoping for... T_T
"Hey Captain can I battle u instead of these weaklyings?😏 I asked him Confidently and desperately
"ME?! BATTLE YOU?!" He said it like I was crazy or something?
"YEA! Here have look at my axe!"
"What the?!"
B E T T Y!
"Fine then but I'll warn u that if you're not a good doger then say good-bye and hello To Heaven!" He said as he his double sided AXE "Matillda" about as strong as BETTY!
"Well to bad for u am a great doger!"
Everybody started gathering around saying am crazy to take on Captain, but just wait till they see these pro skills!
"?!" Mitch was so confused of what I was talking about and so astonished That he started RUNING to where Betty is supposed to be,"MITCH THIS BETTER NOT BE A PRANK!"
I yelled at him sooo much asking what happened
"I DONT KNOW JERO-...Shit..."
As Mitch Finnaly notices that Merome Took Betty! and tells Me that Merome had it! I tell Mitch get your shoes and that we're going after Our Son...
I kept fighting and Doging but then at the right moment to came in the room...Captain took the chance and cut off my entire arm...Jerome grabed his Axe,and Mitch got Katniss 5 arrows to the face and Betty chopped his leg off in one furious chop.
   Both my Dads come towards me and in anger with there son they bring him home... Captain wanted to kill them... all 3 of them...Merome,Jerome,and Mitch...He had the power of cuthulu and summoned just him to do the job of finishing Them off...FOR GOOD.

To Be Continued...

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