Dreaming Red

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There once was a lonley girl that dreamed of a far away place. She was more in her dream than reality itself . She dreams in colour, she dreams in red . She dreams of a place far away from reality. Nobody knows if she will ever wake up from her dream. Because everyone knows that she does not want to be woken up.

Each night she had an excruciatingly painful routine , one she had to do every night.... One cut ,two cut , three cut, four. Cry for a while then cut some more. Open cut , closed cut, cut scabbed over. Drink away the pain, then cut again sober.

She was alone, nobody cared. And why would they , she was just a nobody. That is why she went to Mr Razor for some much needed advice. He took away her pain and made her feel again. He made her feel alive, but little did she know that it would come at a price. Her life. He never judged, he never complained... That is why she trusted him so easily. Cut on her wrist, cut on her thigh. She waited till everyone was asleep then cut in the night.

One day she went to far , she went to deep. She slashed her veins open and smiled with tears in her eyes, at the scarlet red blood oozing down her pale arms as white as snow. Her arms became smeared with red just like the snow after a fresh kill. With a few scarlet drops here and there.

She was called a freak, fat , ugly , slut and more . She could not do anything but to listen to the voices of the people around her and in her head. She wanted to shut them out bit they would always return. Louder and angrier. The voices in her head grew louder and louder! And suddenly, it was dead silent .... So silent that you could hear one of the scarlet drops fall to the floor. For she was now finally dead ...

She laid there in her cold room in a scarlet pool , tear stains on her face and a faint smile on her lips. She was finally at peace... She dreamed in colour , she dreamed in red. The razor was her paint brush and her wrist her canvas.

Hi thanks for reading. This is my first and hopefully not my last . If you can give me any tips to improve my writing please do tell.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2016 ⏰

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