'Afternoon Kisses'

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The Next morning... Kristen's POV:

I woke up with Rob's arm around my waist. I lifted my head, I love these mornings, and I lie back down and play with his hand. I can see him smile in his sleep. I kissed his cheek.

I was about to stand up and walk around, until I felt a hand go across my chest and lightly pulled me back onto Rob's chest.

"Babe...where are you going?" He was half asleep, so you couldn't understand him. Except for her.

"I don't know- Sorry did I wake you?"

"No. You know I wanted to cuddle with my one and only love-but if she's not up for that then-"

"NO! I mean YES! I mean! Oh you know what I mean!" I fell back into his arms.

"I wish we could stay like this forever!" He played with my hair.

" I know... but we have a lunch to go to..." I notified him, kissing his neck.

"With who?"

"Kellan, Jackson, Nikki and Ashley... Same."

"Oh, well shall we go get dressed?" He winked at me.

We both stood up and he led me to the bathroom and locked it.

At the lunch...

"So, are you guys still dating?" Kristen asked Nikki.

"Yeah... he's so sweet, he went to Princeton and he's a lawyer!" She continued blabbing about her 'new' boyfriend.

"OK! We get it! You have a new boyfriend! Whatever!" Kellan interrupted her.

"What! He's my boyfr- WAIT! ARE YOU JEALOUS?" Nikki shockingly shouted.

"What! Of course not! Of him? No fucking way!" Kellan replied faster then she could finish her words.

Kristen just watched them argue while eating popcorn.

"Ughhh! I'm hungry!" She whined holding her stomach.

"Kris, you just finished eating 4 bowls of chocolate mousse, 3 packs of fries, about 18 cookies, 4 hot dogs and 6 cupcakes! How can you possibly be hungry?" Ashley pointed out shockingly.

"I'm sorry. Ugh! Your no help!" Kris went back inside to where Rob was sitting with Taylor watching football. She sat in between his leg and buried her face in his chest.

"What's wrong babe?" He asked her still looking at the game.

"Nothing, just wanted to stay here with you." She said in a drowsy voice.

He kissed her forehead and cheek and continued watching the game.


Kristen was close to sleeping until I saw Ashley come over.

"Kristen! Kristen! Wake up! Wake up!" She shook her shoulder.

"What!" She screamed annoyed.

"Look at this, pink belted, lace shift, skater sleeveless dress!" She squealed.

She looked at Ashley angrily and confused.


"Geez, are you on your period?"

"NOPE! JUST MAD!" She lay back down on my chest.

"Let's play pictograph!" Kellan screamed coming into the room.

"YESSS!" Jackson, Ashley and Nikki all scram.

"Yeah... sure...okay?" Kris and I responded.

So Kellan drew first, he drove a sock? I don't know?

"DONE! What is it?" He smiled and raised his eyebrows.

"Last season's hat!" Ashley shouted from behind.

"Umm... Uh... A hose?" She confusingly.

"A-A-A Dick!" Jackson shouted.

"What about you R-... HEY, ROB WOULD YOU LIKE SOME SALT WITH THAT TONGUE!" Kellan joked around. He said that because Kris and I were making out in the back of the room.

We both pulled away from the kiss, because of Kellan and Kris threw a pillow at him.

"Ouch! What the hell?" He whined picking up the pillow.

"You idio-..." Nikki exclaimed but couldn't finish her sentence, because Kellan threw a pillow on her.

"Ooooo! Pillow fight!" Ashley shouted throwing pillows.

Everybody except for Kris and I were throwing pillows.

"Hey, wanna make out in the car?" She whispered into my ear while biting her lip. I kissed her deeply, grabbed her hand and lead her to our car, while they were distracted.

We got in the backseat and I grabbed her waist and kissed her passionately and deeply and she kissed back.


"Okay...Okay..." Nikki stopped the fight breathless.

"That was fun!" Ashley took the pillow feathers off her hair and mouth.

"I'm thirsty!" Kellan whined.

"Stop Whining and be a man!" Nikki hit him with a pillow.

"No more pillow fights!" Jackson said breaking them up.

"Okay...Okay... Wait- Where's Rob and Kris?" Nikki asked looking around.

"Probably making out!" Kellan joked around laughing. Nikki looked at him seriously, which made him stop laughing.

"I'm just gonna go to the bathroom..."Ashley left the room.

"Where are you going?" Nikki said following Ashley to the bathroom.

"The bathroom! Obviously!" Ashley shut the door in Nikki's face.

"Hey." Kristen rushed past Nikki to the other bathroom.

"What! Where were you?!" Nikki asked confused.

"Umm... in the car?" Kristen said coming out of the bathroom and grabbing her stuff to leave.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Nikki asked rushing after her.

Sorry for the wait! I was in the middle of writing my other stories and publishing them. Next chap will come out soon, possibly today! xoxo

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